Journal List > Yonsei Med J > v.43(4) > 1029384

Houman, Ghorbel, Lamloum, Khanfir, Braham, Haouet, Sayem, Lassoued, and Miled: Esophageal Involvement in Behçet's Disease


Esophageal involvement in Behçet's disease is very rare, and normally is observed as aphtosis and esophagitis, but serious complications such as erosions, perforations, and stenosis may occur. We carried out this prospective study to evaluate the prevalence of esophageal involvement in Behçet's disease and to establish if routine endoscopy and/or manometry are necessary. Twenty-three patients who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of the international study group for Behçet's disease were enrolled. None were taking drugs or had disease that might produce esophageal abnormalities or alter any existing changes due to the Behçet's disease itself. Twenty-three patients underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy by a single observer. Esophageal biopsies were performed in thirteen patients and esophageal manometry in twenty. At the beginning of the study, the disease activity was defined by the presence of more than one symptom related to Behçet's disease, and upon the classification of Behçet's disease. Of the twenty three patients enrolled two were excluded from final analysis because of the presence of hiatus hernia. Thus, 13 men and 8 women, ranging in age from 20 to 63 years with a mean age of 36.2 years were included. Ten patients (47.6%) had active disease and four (19%) complained of upper gastrointestinal symptoms at the time of the study. Fourteen patients had endoscopic, manometric and/or microscopic abnormalities. Esophageal manometry was performed in twenty patients and was abnormal in 7 cases (35%). Esophageal biopsies were done in 13 patients and revealed histopathological abnormalities in 5 cases. Microscopic findings showed vasculities in one case, and non-specific inflammatory infiltration mainly consisting of neutrophils in 4 cases. Our results suggest that the prevalence of esophageal involvement in Behçet's disease is rather high and occur even in asymptomatic patients, but that this usually does not result in specific abnormalities.

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