We report a case of a 25-month-old girl presented to us for the evaluation of a severe delayed psychomotor development who also has pigmentary abnormalities. Linear and whorled hyperpigmentations following Blaschko's lines were noticed on her entire body except on her face, palms, soles, eyes and mucous membranes, which closely resembled those found in hypomelanosis of Ito, but inversely pigmented. Histologic examination revealed basal layer hyperpigmentation without incontinence of pigment or dermal melanophages. Chromosomal analysis of cultured peripheral leukocytes and fibroblasts from the hyperpigmented and the hypopigmented skin revealed normal female karyotype with no evidence of mosaicism or chimerism. This entity represents a kind of neurocutaneous syndrome-referred to by some authors as linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis.