The injection of streptozotocin(stz) at a high dose (60 mg/kg) into young male rats produces direct beta cell destruction and leads to insulin dependent diabetes (IDD). In contrast the injection of multiple smal doses of stz (40 mg/Kg/d for 5 days) produce IDD, which resembles type l diabetes in man. The provocative effects of the pertussis vaccine (PV) and cyclosporin(CA) against the development of IDD induced by stz were studied. When PV in a dose of 3.75 × 1010 microorganism was administered to single or multiple stz treated rats, hyperglycemia still developed and persisted during the experiment. No difference was noted in blood glucose levels, but plasma insulin levels were higher in PV treated rats. When CA (10 mg/kg) was administered daily to single or multiple stz treated rats, hyperglycemia seemed to be lower, but this was not statistically significant, however, plasma insulin levels were higher in CA treated rats. The results of this experiment suggest that PV and CA provide some protection to the beta cells of the pancreas.