Materials and Methods
Table 1
Data are provided as n (%) or mean ± SD. AV = atrioventricular, BMI = body mass index, BNP = brain natriuretic peptide, CK-MB = creatine kinase MB, CMR = cardiovascular magnetic resonance, ECG = electrocardiography, LBBB = left bundle branch block, MACE = major adverse cardiovascular events, NYHA = New York Heart Association, RBBB = right bundle branch block
Table 2
Values are n (%) or means ± SD. BMI = body mass index, CMR = cardiovascular magnetic resonance, EccSAX = LV circumferential strain measured from short-axis cine views, EllLV = LV longitudinal strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrLax = LV radial strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrSAX = LV radial strain measured from short-axis cine views, LGE = late gadolinium enhancement, LV = left ventricle, LVEDVI = left ventricular end-diastolic volume index, LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction, LVESVI = left ventricular end-systolic volume index, LVMI = left ventricular mass index, NA = not applicable, RVEF = right ventricular ejection fraction
Table 3
Values are n (%) or means ± SD. *Significantly different between myocarditis patients with preserved EF and normal subjects, †Significantly different between myocarditis patients with impaired EF and normal subjects. BMI = body mass index, EccSAX = LV circumferential strain measured from short-axis cine views, EF = ejection fraction, EllLV = LV longitudinal strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrLax = LV radial strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrSAX = LV radial strain measured from short-axis cine views, LV = left ventricle
Table 4
CI = confidence interval, CMR = cardiovascular magnetic resonance, EccSAX = LV circumferential strain measured from short-axis cine views, EllLV = LV longitudinal strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrLax = LV radial strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrSAX = LV radial strain measured from short-axis cine views, ICC = intra-class correlation coefficient, LV = left ventricle
Table 5
Values are n (%) or mean ± SD. AV = atrioventricular, BMI = body mass index, BNP = brain natriuretic peptide, CI = confidence interval, CK-MB = creatine kinase MB, CMR = cardiovascular magnetic resonance, EccSAX = LV circumferential strain measured from short-axis cine views, ECG = electrocardiography, EllLV = LV longitudinal strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrLax = LV radial strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrSAX = LV radial strain measured from short-axis cine views, HR = hazard ratio, LBBB = left bundle branch block, LGE = late gadolinium enhancement, LV = left ventricle, LVEDVI = LV end-diastolic volume index, LVEF = LV ejection fraction, LVESVI = LV end-systolic volume index, LVMI = LV mass index, MACE = major adverse cardiovascular events, NA = not applicable, NYHA = New York Heart Association, RBBB = right bundle branch block, RVEF = right ventricular ejection fraction
Table 6
Values are n (%) or means ± SD. AV = atrioventricular, BMI = body mass index, BNP = brain natriuretic peptide, CK-MB = creatine kinase MB, CMR = cardiovascular magnetic resonance, EccSAX = LV circumferential strain measured from short-axis cine views, ECG = electrocardiography, EllLV = LV longitudinal strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrLax = LV radial strain measured from long-axis cine views, ErrSAX = LV radial strain measured from short-axis cine views, LBBB = left bundle branch block, LGE = late gadolinium enhancement, LV = left ventricle, LVEDVI = LV end-diastolic volume index, LVEF = LV ejection fraction, LVESVI = LV end-systolic volume index, LVMI = LV mass index, MACE = major adverse cardiovascular events, NA = not applicable, NYHA = New York Heart Association, RBBB = right bundle branch block, RVEF = right ventricular ejection fraction