Korean J Radiol 2016;17(1):7-24
The publisher and authors would like to the readers' attention to an error in the following article. Noninvasive Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Elaboration on Korean Liver Cancer Study Group-National Cancer Center Korea Practice Guidelines Compared with Other Guidelines and Remaining Issues. Korean J Radiol 2016;17(1):7-24.
The article contained incorrect figure captions. Legends of figures 3 and 4 were switched in original version. The correct figure captions are as follows: Fig. 3. Surgically confirmed cholangiocarcinoma in 49-year-old man. On gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI, there is approximately 7 cm arterially enhancing mass in S8 (A, arrowheads). Mass (arrowheads) shows isointensity on portal venous phase (B) and hypointensity on transitional (C) and hepatobiliary (D) phases, as compared with surrounding liver parenchyma. Mass can be diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma on basis of Korean Liver Cancer Study Group-National Cancer Center Korea guideline, whereas it does not meet Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System recommendation that only accepts "portal washout". Fig. 4. Gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI in 69-year-old man with chronic hepatitis C. On arterial phase (A), 1.2 cm enhancing nodule is seen in S8 (arrows), which is hyper-, hypo-, and hypointense on portal venous (B), transitional (C), and hepatobiliary (D) phases. Western guidelines are not applicable and it does not meet criteria of LR-5, but nodule is diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma according to Korean Liver Cancer Study Group-National Cancer Center Korea and Japan Society of Hepatology guidelines.