Journal List > Korean J Ophthalmol > v.7(2) > 1025493

Chang and Chung: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and endotoxin induced uveitis


Suprofen eye drop was instilled into one eye of 10 pigmented rabbits and then anterior uveitis was induced by intraperitoneal injection of endotoxin of Shigella flexneri serotype 1A to evaluate the effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on endotoxin induced uveitis. The pupillary diameters were measured, and aqueous cell and flare gradings were recorded in 20 eyes of 10 rabbits for one week at an interval of 12 hours for the first 24 hours and then every 24 hours for a week. A difference between the treated and control groups were investigated. All the above parameters showed greatest changes at 12 or 24 hours after injection and became normal by one week. The two groups demonstrated statistically significant difference at 12 hours, day 1 and day 2 as for pupillary diameter, at day 1 and day 2 as for cell and at 12 hours and day 1 as for flare. Thus, it can be concluded that prostaglandins play a role in miosis, in the appearance of inflammatory cells and flare in endotoxin induced uveitis and the topical administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug can alleviate signs of anterior uveitis. Specific relationship between leukotriene B4 and aqueous cell was not demonstrated.

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