Journal List > Korean J Ophthalmol > v.3(2) > 1025234

Park and Lee: Surgical correction of astigmatism using paired T-incisions


Transverse incision astigmatic keratotomy procedures were performed, combined with radial keratotomy, in 16 eyes for correction of astigmatism and coexisting myopia. We used a transverse incision technique in which T-incisions vertically intersected radial incisions of the steepest corneal meridian. After a mean follow-up period of 10 months with a range of six to 27 months, an average 1.92 diopters of the cylinder was corrected. In comparison with 2.11 diopters of the cylinder corrected at postoperative one day, there was a 22.8% decrease in the effect of astigmatism correction after a postoperative period averaging 10 months.

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