Journal List > Korean J Ophthalmol > v.12(2) > 1024235

Cho, Ko, and Shin: Epithelial ingrowth of anterior chamber and anterior surface of vitreous


This study is a case report of the histopathologic findings of the anterior chamber epithelial ingrowth in a patient who had penetrating injury in the right eye from an arrow approximately 20 years ago. The patient underwent the enucleation in the right eye due to pthisis bulbi and was fitted with a prosthetic eye. Specimens were prepared from the enucleated right eye for histopathologic observation using hematoxyllin-eosin to be observed under light microscopy. Epithelial ingrowth in the anterior chamber was noted in one layer or multi-layered epithelial cell growth. The ingrowth had spread to the posterior surface of the cornea to the anterior chamber angle, to the iris surface, and to the anterior surface of the vitreous. The finding suggests that epithelial ingrowth could invade even through a perforation site and spread wherever the cells could reach.

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