Journal List > J Korean Med Sci > v.6(2) > 1023906

Koh, Lee, Hong, and Lim: Partial remission with transarterial embolization in a case of metastatic adrenal cortical carcinoma


A case of metastatic adrenal cortical carcinoma in which partial remission was achieved with transarterial embolization is presented as probably the first reported case in the literature to date. A 29-year-old woman was admitted because of adrenal cortical carcinoma which had not responded to mitotane. A left adrenalectomy with segmentectomy of the involved liver had been done previously. Abdominal computerized tomography demonstrated multiple large metastatic tumors in the liver. Transarterial embolization with Gelfoam and 20 mCi of 131I-labeled lipiodol was performed and resulted in a decrease in tumor size and biochemical parameters. Transarterial embolization can be one of the therapeutic modalities for metastatic adrenal cortical carcinomas.

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