Journal List > J Korean Med Sci > v.30(5) > 1022892

Lee, Lee, Lim, Park, Baik, Kong, Jung-Choi, and Park: Risks of Lung Cancer due to Radon Exposure among the Regions of Korea


Radon is likely the second most common cause of lung cancer after smoking. We estimated the lung cancer risk due to radon using common risk models. Based on national radon survey data, we estimated the population-attributable fraction (PAF) and the number of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon. The exposure-age duration (EAD) and exposure-age concentration (EAC) models were used. The regional average indoor radon concentration was 37.5 95 Bq/m3. The PAF for lung cancer was 8.3% (European Pooling Study model), 13.5% in males and 20.4% in females by EAD model, and 19.5% in males and 28.2% in females by EAC model. Due to differences in smoking by gender, the PAF of radon-induced lung cancer deaths was higher in females. In the Republic of Korea, the risk of radon is not widely recognized. Thus, information about radon health risks is important and efforts are needed to decrease the associated health problems.

Graphical Abstract



The leading cause of death in Korea is cancer, and especially lung cancer. According to the annual report on causes of death statistics from the Korea National Statistics Office (KNSO), the rate of lung cancer death increased from 26.1 per 100,000 people in 2002 to 33.1 per 100,000 people in 2012 (1).
Although smoking is a known major risk factor for lung cancer, several cohort studies conducted in the USA, Europe, and China, have revealed that chronic exposure to radon also contributes to the occurrence of lung cancer (2). Indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that radon was the second most common cause after smoking (2). Based on the accumulated evidence, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radon as a carcinogen in 1988 (3).
For that reason, USA and European nations, through national surveys, have reported concentrations of radon and its daughter species. Radon is a radioactive gas of natural origin, produced from uranium and radium. Various levels of radon exposure occur naturally across the population. Since 1989, the Republic of Korea has also reported indoor radon concentrations (4). However, there has been no report on the health risks of lung cancer due to radon exposure. Although investigations on the risk of lung cancer due to individual radon exposure are difficult, indirectly, an 'ecological approach' is possible. In this way, many countries have estimated the health risks due to radon exposure (5, 6, 7, 8). Such quantification of health risks is helpful in public health policy making and the allocation of resources.
Thus, using risk models developed by the sixth Biological Effects on Ionizing Radiation Committee ("BEIR-VI") (9) and the European Pooling Study (10), we estimated the population-attributable fraction (PAF) of radon-induced lung cancer deaths by gender across Korean administrative districts.


Radon concentration by region

In the Republic of Korea, national radon surveys were conducted in 1989, 2000, 2002-2005, and 2008-2009 to estimate the dose to the public. Kim et al. (4) reported the average distribution of indoor radon from these four surveys. Briefly, the sample sizes for each survey were 530, 2,953, and 970 dwellings, and 1,100 public buildings, respectively. The fourth survey was conducted in schools and local governmental offices. There were distinct differences by region, and the range of average exposures was 37.5 to 95.0 Bq/m3. The regional distribution of indoor radon concentrations is presented in Fig. 1. The arithmetic means of the indoor radon concentrations across the 16 administrative districts for the total survey were obtained from Kim et al. (4).

Lung cancer death data

Absolute numbers of lung cancer death by gender, age, and the 16 administrative districts from the years 2000 to 2012, were obtained from the Korea National Statistical Office (1). Lung cancer deaths in those aged over 30 yr were included. During that period, 181,510 deaths due to lung cancer occurred, 73.6% of which were males (n=133,582). Thus, lung cancer was responsible for 13,962 deaths per year (Table 1).

Risk assessment of the relationship between lung cancer and radon

To estimate the lung cancer risk due to radon, models developed by the BEIR-VI Committee (9) and the European Pooling Study (10) were used. Published risk assessment studies commonly use the relationship between lung cancer and radon derived from the miners' cohort study in the US; this was published by the BEIR-VI Committee. Darby et al. (10) reported residential radon exposure risk for lung cancer using 13 general European population case control studies (7,148 cases of lung cancer and 14,208 controls). Later results were used in the global burden of disease study in 2010 (11).

Risk assessment based on evidence from BEIR-VI

The two linear excess relative risk models for lung cancer due to radon, developed by the BEIR-VI Committee, were used to estimate excess risk. These were based on extrapolations of risk models derived from 11 cohort studies of underground miners to the general population. These models are presented as linear functions of cumulative exposure, by either exposure-age-duration (the EAD model) or exposure-age-concentration (the EAC model).
To apply the BEIR-VI risk models, we assumed that all individuals in the same district were exposed equally and that the exposure concentrations were unchanged over their lifetime. The excess relative risk model developed by BEIR-VI was as follows:
ERR=β(w5-14 + θ15-24w15-24 + θ25+w25+z,
where β indicates the risk coefficient of the exposure-response relationship, w indicates the exposure windows, w5-14, w15-24, and w25+, the parameter θ is the relative contributions to risk, θ15-24 and θ25+, and γz represents either exposure duration or concentration, which is basically the age of the person divided by the time window 5-14, 15-24, and 25+ yr before the person's current age. Details regarding these models have been presented elsewhere (9).
As proposed by the BEIR-VI Committee, the value of β was adjusted two-fold for non smokers and 0.9 times for smokers versus the general population. To consider the risk attributable to smoking, we used the calculation methods described by Veloso et al. (8). Information about the proportion of lung cancer attributable to smoking was obtained from a large prospective Korean cohort study. In that study, Jee et al. (12) reported that the rate of death due to lung cancer among smokers was 94% for males who were current smokers, and 32% for females.
In turn, to estimate the number of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon, we used the following formula:
Nr, a, d, s=(ERRr, a×Na, d, s)/(1 + ERRr, a),
where Nr, a, d, s indicates the number of lung cancer deaths due to radon exposure r, at age a, in district d, and for gender s. Na, d, s is the total number of lung cancer deaths at age a, in district d, and for gender s, and ERRr,a is the excess relative risk for radon exposure r and for age a.

Risk assessment based on evidence from the European Pooling Study

The risk of lung cancer from radon derived from the European Pooling Study was expressed as a linear model. Its risk coefficient was adjusted for age, gender, region of residence, and smoking status. Thus, we estimated the excess relative risk with the following formula:
where β indicates the risk coefficient of the exposure-response relationship, and X is the mean radon concentration by district. The PAF and number of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon were estimated as recommended by WHO (13).


The average indoor radon concentration across the 16 administrative districts is presented in Fig. 1. The average indoor radon level was 62.1 Bq/m3 and it was differed by district. The concentrations was highest in Chungbuk (95 Bq/m3) and lowest in Busan (37.5 Bq/m3). During the period 2000-2010, the adjusted lung cancer mortality rate was highest in Gyeongbuk for both genders (Table 1).
Table 2 provides the estimated regional risk of lung cancer due to radon by applying exposure-response relationships. Regardless of smoking status, indoor radon accounted for 13.5%-19.5% and 20.4%-28.2% of lung cancer deaths in males and females, respectively, from the EAD and EAC models. Additionally, PAF for lung cancer was 8.3%, with reference to the European Pooling Study model; use of this model produced the fewest attributable deaths.
Tables 3 and 4 show the numbers of lung cancer deaths according to smoking status. In males, smoking alone produced the most attributable deaths, and radon alone, the fewest. However, in females, issues other than smoking and radon produced the most attributable deaths, and joint effects of smoking and radon, the fewest. Overall, the proportion of lung cancer deaths was higher among smokers than non-smokers in males. However, deaths attributable to lung cancer in females were higher among non-smokers than smokers; approximately twice as many deaths occurred among female non-smokers than smokers. The summary of joint effect between smoking and radon on lung cancer by gender represents in Fig. 2.


Using the exposure-response relationships from BEIR-VI and the European Pooling Study, we estimated the proportion of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon. Radon accounted for 8% to 28% of deaths, depending on lung cancer, gender, and smoking status. Overall, in the results of the BEIR-VI models, the EAC model gave higher estimates than the EAD model and the estimated proportion attributable to radon in non-smokers was higher than that in smokers. These results are consistent with previous studies conducted in various countries (5, 7, 8).
Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas, to which humans are exposed from natural sources. Risks due to radon have come to the fore during the last two decades, but in Korea there is a lack of public concern regarding the risks posed by radon. Generally, indoor radon concentrations are higher than those of other sources of exposure, such as air and drinking water. Indoor radon concentrations depend on factors such as the soil, building materials, house type, and ventilation. Kim et al. reported that the radon distribution was correlated with the geological distribution of granite, and that the concentration in traditional Korean houses was higher than that in apartments (4).
As the second leading cause of lung cancer, after smoking, accumulated evidence supports the carcinogenicity of radon and its decay products (3). The biological mechanism of the link between radon and lung cancer is explained by deposition of decay products formed after the inhalation of radon in the lung epithelium. Although no domestic evidence regarding individual radon exposure and lung cancer is available, arbitrary quantity estimations seem to be meaningful in public health and policy decision-making. However, there has been controversy as to whether extrapolation of evidence from occupational exposure to the general population is reasonable. The fourth BEIR report recommended a correcting factor of 0.7, meaning that residential exposures were about 30% lower than those in mines, but the BEIR-VI report revised that to 1.0 (14). Additionally, several lines of evidence originating from the general population suggest that chronic low exposure to radon is a cause of lung cancer (10, 15). The American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study reported a 15% increase in lung cancer deaths for each 100 Bq/m3 increase in residential radon concentration (15). This is similar to the results of 13 European case-control studies (10).
Although the findings are unclear, indoor radon concentrations were not lower than the average of OECD countries. The mean radon concentrations for the Republic of Korea are 62.1 Bq/m3 (arithmetic mean) and 49.0 Bq/m3 (geometric mean) (4). These are higher than Japan and the United Kingdom, and similar to Portugal and France (2). According to a recent study on the environmental burden of disease in six European countries, the burden of radon was highest in France and lowest in the Netherlands (6). A study in the north of Portugal reported that of the total number of lung cancer cases, 18 to 28% (8) could be associated with indoor radon exposure compared with 8.3% in Switzerland, 5% in Germany (16), and 14%-16% in Canada (7, 17).
The prevalence of smoking in Korean females was relatively low compared with that in other countries (18), although it has increased gradually in recent years. Several studies estimated the risk of lung cancer attributable to radon taking into consideration joint effects with smoking (5, 8). In reports from the BEIR-VI Committee and United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), smokers comprised almost 95% and 90% of lung cancer deaths in males and females, respectively (9, 14). In a study conducted in Portugal, the values were 85% in males and 21% in females (8). Compared with a large-scale prospective Korean cohort study (12), this was similar in males and higher in females. A later study in Portugal reported slightly lower numbers for both males and females. Using the values recommended by the BEIR-VI Committee, in the present study, the proportion attributable to radon was approximately 33.0% in non-smokers and 19.0% in smokers of both genders using EAC (male: 33.2% in non-smokers and 18.6% in smokers, female: 32.8% in non-smokers and 18.5% in smokers). Similarly, 40.0% in non-smokers and 24.7% in smokers were estimated to be attributable to radon in the north of Portugal (8), and 50.3% in non-smokers and 10.9% in smokers in a study conducted in France (5). With the exception of lung cancer, the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study also reported a positive linear trend and 13% increase in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality for each 100 Bq/m3 increase in radon concentration (19). However, no evidence of an association between radon and non respiratory deaths (20) is available.
Regarding national efforts to reduce the health risks due to radon, the Korean Ministry of the Environment has recommended that the indoor radon concentration be less than 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter of air, equal to 148 Bq/m3), the same value as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (21). Moreover, the Korean Ministry of the Environment (KME) has suggested guidelines for reducing the radon risk, such as encouraging construction of radon-resistant buildings and improvements in ventilation systems (22). To reduce the health risk associated with radon, education of residents of high-level regions and provision of information regarding radon-related health risks are necessary.
The use of average concentrations during the fourth survey, instead of one measure, might have reduced the variation due to measurement error. However, limitations in the available data on the distribution of radon make this difficult to determine. In addition, there was also limitation in interpreting results due to study design. Using summarized data through ecological study might lead to under- or overestimation in real exposure. In estimation of the PAF, it was calculated by several risk models not based on domestic evidence, thus it has to be interpreted carefully except for international comparison under same risk models. However, this is the first reported study to quantify lung cancer deaths attributable to indoor radon exposure across the 16 administrative districts of the Republic of Korea. Furthermore, risk assessment in personal level based on national data is required.
In this study, we estimated the regional-level risk of radon-induced lung cancer deaths. These data will assist in making decisions regarding action plans for public health and the allocation of resources across the regions of Korea.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Average radon concentration during 1989-2009 by 16 districts in Republic of Korea. Source: Kim et al. (4).

Fig. 2

Summary results of attributable proportion (%) of radon induced lung cancer deaths by gender applying to the risk models developed by the sixth Biological Effects on lionizing Radiations Committee. EAC, exposure-age-concentration; EAD, exposure-age-duration.

Table 1

Demographic features by regions in Republic of Korea

Districts No. population size aged 30 yr or over No. of lung cancer deaths from 2000 to 2012 Direct standard mortality rate (per 100,000)
Busan 1,104,573 1,190,793 9,710 3,692 65.1 24.6
Chungbuk 473,665 493,126 5,460 1,750 77.4 23.5
Chungnam 648,614 663,408 7,938 2,562 74.2 23.3
Daejeon 434,204 458,295 3,095 1,102 62.5 21.5
Daegu 741,971 811,004 6,425 2,454 69.7 25.5
Gangwon 482,449 505,451 5,852 1,903 75.7 23.6
Gwangju 405,315 437,687 3,004 1,196 63.2 23.3
Gyeongbuk 851,149 905,873 12,219 4,059 86.1 26.0
Gyeongnam 999,411 1,056,802 10,587 3,951 79.8 25.8
Incheon 824,217 844,455 5,970 2,211 66.3 23.4
Jeju 169,212 179,061 1,339 482 59.3 17.8
Jeonbuk 574,518 613,856 7,201 2,405 74.3 22.9
Jeonnam 612,852 651,166 9,602 2,873 85.5 22.8
Gyeonggi 3,496,721 3,562,703 22,697 8,704 59.2 22.2
Seoul 3,130,647 3,309,544 20,234 7,755 53.6 20.9
Ulsan 334,891 336,155 2,249 829 74.8 25.8
Total 15,284,406 16,019,376 133,582 47,928 67.2 23.0

M, male; F, female.

Table 2

Estimate of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon exposure between 1989 and 2009 by gender applying to the risk models developed by the sixth Biological Effects on Ionizing Radiations Committee and European pooling study

Districts Radon (Bq/m3) No. lung cancer death BEIR-VI EAD BEIR-VI EAC Darby S
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Male Female No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Busan 37.5 9,710 3,692 953 9.8 559 15.1 1,407 14.5 793 21.5 667 6.9 254 6.9
Chungbuk 95.0 5,460 1,750 1,104 20.2 512 29.3 1,540 28.2 679 38.8 309 5.7 99 5.7
Chungnam 72.9 7,938 2,562 1,267 16.0 618 24.1 1,809 22.8 840 32.8 541 6.8 175 6.8
Daejeon 52.8 3,095 1,102 402 13.0 220 19.9 582 18.8 304 27.6 221 7.1 79 7.1
Daegu 45.7 6,425 2,454 739 11.5 423 17.2 1,080 16.8 594 24.2 543 8.5 207 8.5
Gangwon 91.7 5,852 1,903 1,135 19.4 541 28.5 1,592 27.2 720 37.9 456 7.8 148 7.8
Gwangju 57.7 3,004 1,196 425 14.2 255 21.4 612 20.4 351 29.3 208 6.9 83 6.9
Gyeongbuk 62.8 12,219 4,059 1,735 14.2 857 21.1 2,501 20.5 1,183 29.2 1,052 8.6 350 8.6
Gyeongnam 53.0 10,587 3,951 1,330 12.6 741 18.8 1,933 18.3 1,034 26.2 1,355 12.8 506 12.8
Incheon 48.0 5,970 2,211 728 12.2 406 18.4 1,058 17.7 566 25.6 788 13.2 292 13.2
Jeju 54.2 1,339 482 176 13.1 94 19.6 255 19.0 131 27.2 140 10.4 50 10.4
Jeonbuk 72.4 7,201 2,405 1,156 16.1 573 23.8 1,649 22.9 779 32.4 748 10.4 250 10.4
Jeonnam 76.4 9,602 2,873 1,601 16.7 705 24.5 2,278 23.7 958 33.3 1,046 10.9 313 10.9
Gyeonggi 58.9 22,697 8,704 3,233 14.2 1,878 21.6 4,645 20.5 2,577 29.6 2,072 9.1 795 9.1
Seoul 46.1 20,234 7,755 2,363 11.7 1,414 18.2 3,450 17.1 1,975 25.5 1,582 7.8 606 7.8
Ulsan 46.5 2,249 829 269 12.0 151 18.2 391 17.4 210 25.3 179 8.0 66 8.0
Total 133,582 47,928 18,614 14.2 9,947 21.2 26,782 20.4 13,695 29.1 11,906 8.8 4,271 8.8
Adj total 13.5 20.4 19.5 28.2 8.3 8.3
Table 3

Estimate of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon exposure according to smoking status in male

Locality Radon (Bq/m3) No. of lung cancer deaths attributable to
Smoking and radon (a) Only smoking (b) Only radon (c) Others (d) Radon (a)+(c)
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
 Busan 37.5 1,257 12.9 7,871 81.1 151 1.6 432 4.4 1,407 14.5
 Chungbuk 95.0 1,393 25.5 3,739 68.5 147 2.7 181 3.3 1,540 28.2
 Chungnam 72.9 1,629 20.5 5,833 73.5 180 2.3 296 3.7 1,809 22.8
 Daejeon 52.8 522 16.9 2,387 77.1 60 1.9 126 4.1 582 18.8
 Daegu 45.7 966 15.0 5,073 79.0 113 1.8 272 4.2 1,080 16.8
 Gangwon 91.7 1,439 24.6 4,062 69.4 153 2.6 198 3.4 1,592 27.2
 Gwangju 57.7 550 18.3 2,274 75.7 62 2.1 118 3.9 612 20.4
 Gyeongbuk 62.8 2,247 18.4 9,239 75.6 254 2.1 479 3.9 2,501 20.5
 Gyeongnam 53.0 1,733 16.4 8,219 77.6 200 1.9 435 4.1 1,933 18.3
 Incheon 48.0 948 15.9 4,664 78.1 110 1.8 248 4.2 1,058 17.7
 Jeju 54.2 228 17.1 1,030 76.9 26 2.0 54 4.0 255 19.0
 Jeonbuk 72.4 1,484 20.6 5,285 73.4 164 2.3 268 3.7 1,649 22.9
 Jeonnam 76.4 2,052 21.4 6,973 72.6 225 2.3 351 3.7 2,278 23.7
 Gyeonggi 58.9 4,173 18.4 17,162 75.6 471 2.1 891 3.9 4,645 20.5
 Seoul 46.1 3,089 15.3 15,931 78.7 361 1.8 853 4.2 3,450 17.0
 Ulsan 46.5 351 15.6 1,763 78.4 41 1.8 94 4.2 391 17.4
 Total 24,063 18.3 101,505 75.7 2,719 2.1 5,296 3.9 26,782 20.4
 Adj total 17.5 76.5 2.0 4.0 19.5
 Busan 37.5 847 8.7 8,281 85.3 107 1.1 476 4.9 953 9.8
 Chungbuk 95.0 991 18.2 4,141 75.8 112 2.1 215 3.9 1,104 20.2
 Chungnam 72.9 1,133 14.3 6,329 79.7 134 1.7 342 4.3 1,267 16.0
 Daejeon 52.8 358 11.6 2,551 82.4 44 1.4 142 4.6 402 13.0
 Daegu 45.7 657 10.2 5,382 83.8 81 1.3 304 4.7 739 11.5
 Gangwon 91.7 1,019 17.4 4,482 76.6 117 2.0 235 4.0 1,135 19.4
 Gwangju 57.7 380 12.6 2,444 81.4 46 1.5 135 4.5 425 14.2
 Gyeongbuk 62.8 1,549 12.7 9,937 81.3 187 1.5 547 4.5 1,735 14.2
 Gyeongnam 53.0 1,185 11.2 8,767 82.8 145 1.4 490 4.6 1,330 12.6
 Incheon 48.0 648 10.9 4,964 83.1 79 1.3 279 4.7 728 12.2
 Jeju 54.2 157 11.7 1,102 82.3 19 1.4 61 4.6 176 13.1
 Jeonbuk 72.4 1,034 14.4 5,735 79.6 122 1.7 310 4.3 1,156 16.0
 Jeonnam 76.4 1,432 14.9 7,594 79.1 168 1.8 408 4.2 1,601 16.7
 Gyeonggi 58.9 2,886 12.7 18,449 81.3 347 1.5 1,015 4.5 3,233 14.2
 Seoul 46.1 2,103 10.4 16,917 83.6 260 1.3 955 4.7 2,363 11.7
 Ulsan 46.5 239 10.6 1,875 83.4 29 1.3 106 4.7 269 11.9
 Total 16,618 12.7 108,949 81.3 1,996 1.5 6,019 4.5 18,614 14.2
 Adj total 12.1 81.9 1.5 4.5 13.5
Table 4

Estimate of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon exposure according to smoking status in female

Districts Radon (Bq/m3) No. of lung cancer deaths attributable to
Smoking and radon (a) Only smoking (b) Only radon (c) Others (d) Radon (a)+(c)
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
 Busan 37.5 159 4.3 1,023 27.7 635 17.2 1,876 50.8 793 21.5
 Chungbuk 95.0 150 8.6 410 23.4 529 30.2 661 37.8 679 38.8
 Chungnam 72.9 179 7.0 641 25.0 661 25.8 1,082 42.2 840 32.8
 Daejeon 52.8 63 5.7 290 26.3 241 21.9 509 46.1 304 27.6
 Daegu 45.7 121 4.9 665 27.1 474 19.3 1,195 48.7 594 24.2
 Gangwon 91.7 159 8.3 450 23.7 562 29.5 732 38.5 720 37.8
 Gwangju 57.7 74 6.1 309 25.9 277 23.2 536 44.8 351 29.3
 Gyeongbuk 62.8 247 6.1 1,052 25.9 936 23.1 1,824 44.9 1,183 29.1
 Gyeongnam 53.0 212 5.4 1,052 26.6 822 20.8 1,864 47.2 1,034 26.2
 Incheon 48.0 116 5.3 591 26.7 450 20.4 1,053 47.6 566 25.6
 Jeju 54.2 27 5.6 127 26.4 104 21.6 224 46.4 131 27.2
 Jeonbuk 72.4 166 6.9 604 25.1 613 25.5 1,022 42.5 779 32.4
 Jeonnam 76.4 205 7.1 714 24.9 753 26.2 1,201 41.8 958 33.3
 Gyeonggi 58.9 541 6.2 2,244 25.8 2,036 23.4 3,883 44.6 2,577 29.6
 Seoul 46.1 405 5.2 2,077 26.8 1,570 20.2 3,704 47.8 1,975 25.5
 Ulsan 46.5 43 5.2 222 26.8 167 20.1 397 47.9 210 25.3
 Total 2,866 6.1 12,471 25.9 10,829 23.0 21,763 45.0 13,695 29.1
 Adj total 5.9 26.1 22.3 45.7 28.2
 Busan 37.5 108 2.9 1,074 29.1 451 12.2 2,059 55.8 559 15.1
 Chungbuk 95.0 107 6.1 453 25.9 405 23.1 785 44.9 512 29.3
 Chungnam 72.9 125 4.9 695 27.1 493 19.2 1,250 48.8 618 24.1
 Daejeon 52.8 44 4.0 309 28.0 176 16.0 573 52.0 220 19.9
 Daegu 45.7 82 3.4 703 28.6 341 13.9 1,328 54.1 423 17.2
 Gangwon 91.7 113 5.9 496 26.1 429 22.5 865 45.5 541 28.5
 Gwangju 57.7 51 4.3 332 27.7 204 17.1 609 50.9 255 21.4
 Gyeongbuk 62.8 171 4.2 1,128 27.8 687 16.9 2,074 51.1 857 21.1
 Gyeongnam 53.0 145 3.7 1,119 28.3 596 15.1 2,091 52.9 741 18.8
 Incheon 48.0 80 3.6 628 28.4 326 14.8 1,177 53.2 406 18.4
 Jeju 54.2 19 3.9 136 28.1 76 15.7 252 52.3 94 19.6
 Jeonbuk 72.4 116 4.8 654 27.2 457 19.0 1,179 49.0 573 23.8
 Jeonnam 76.4 143 5.0 776 27.0 562 19.6 1,392 48.4 705 24.5
 Gyeonggi 58.9 376 4.3 2,409 27.7 1,502 17.3 4,417 50.7 1,878 21.6
 Seoul 46.1 278 3.6 2,204 28.4 1,137 14.7 4,137 53.3 1,414 18.2
 Ulsan 46.5 30 3.6 236 28.4 121 14.6 443 53.4 151 18.2
 Total 1,986 4.3 13,351 27.7 7,961 17.0 24,630 51.0 9,947 21.2
 Adj total 4.1 27.9 16.4 51.7 20.4


This study was supported by a grant of the Korean Health Technology R&D Project, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (HI13C0729).

DISCLOSURE The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION Study concept and guarantor: Park H. Study design and data collection: Lim D, Baik SJ, Lee WK, Park SH, Kong KA, Jung-Choi K, Park H. Data analysis and writing: Lee HA, Park SH, Kong KA, Jung-Choi K. Approval of manuscript: all authors.


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