Journal List > J Korean Med Sci > v.30(10) > 1022739

Barroga and Vardaman: Essential Components of Educational Programs on Biomedical Writing, Editing, and Publishing


The primary objective of educational programs on biomedical writing, editing, and publishing is to nurture ethical skills among local and international researchers and editors from diverse professional backgrounds. The mechanics, essential components, and target outcomes of these programs are described in this article. The mechanics covers the objectives, design, benefits, duration, participants and qualifications, program formats, administrative issues, and mentorship. The essential components consist of three core schedules: Schedule I Basic aspects of biomedical writing, editing, and communications; Schedule II Essential skills in biomedical writing, editing, and publishing; and Schedule III Interactive lectures on relevant topics. The target outcomes of the programs comprise knowledge acquisition, skills development, paper write-up, and journal publication. These programs add to the prestige and academic standing of the host institutions.

Graphical Abstract



The importance of educational programs on biomedical writing, editing, and publishing has attracted growing attention in recent years, particularly in non-Anglophone countries. Such programs are not widely available, and there is still no strong evidence to support specific format and contents acceptable for trainees globally (1). Based on empirical experience, these programs can be successfully established in institutions with relevant departments, rendering science writing and editing services (2).
In the Asia-Pacific region, Tokyo Medical University is one of the few universities that provide biomedical writing, editing, and publishing programs to its faculty and staff (2). Educational programs at the Department of International Medical Communications of Tokyo Medical University are updated regularly to adjust their curricula to the upgrading standards of research reporting, ethical editing, and publishing. A variety of individual consultations, lectures, graduate courses, and services through an electronic editorial platform are now offered to faculty and visitors of the university.
The objective of well-structured educational programs in biomedical writing, editing, and publishing is to transfer essential knowledge and skills to those who wish to master science writing. The program's concept, organization, mentorship, evaluation, and follow-up require careful attention. Faculty of the department can tailor a specific program for a target group of participants by selecting and enhancing relevant training components. The ultimate goal of the program is to facilitate publishing in leading biomedical periodicals. The mechanics and essential components of the program are described in this article.


The mechanics described here cover some of the important logistical aspects crucial in developing the programs. These include the objectives, design, benefits, duration, participants and qualifications, program formats, administrative issues, and mentorship.


The primary objectives of the program are to train qualified professionals to be competent in writing, editing, and publishing biomedical articles, and to be proficient in rendering a full range of assistance in any of these areas.
The specific objectives may include the following: 1) to teach effective writing and communication of research results, highlighting the importance and reliability of the study; 2) to pass on basic and advanced knowledge and skills in biomedical writing, editing, and publishing under the close supervision of senior biomedical mentors and science editors; 3) to provide in-depth knowledge and guidelines on key aspects of ethical publishing, peer review, journal indexing, and archiving; 4) to train biomedical writers and editors who will be ethical contributors of research publications; and 5) to promote international collaboration through joint local and international courses.
Participants completing these programs should possess advanced knowledge and skills in biomedical nomenclature, evidence-based writing, editing, and publishing.


The programs should be designed to provide a foundation for manuscript writing in compliance with established research reporting standards. An additional value of the programs is to enhance post-publication communication skills of the participants.
The programs can be designed to help biomedical professionals, graduate students, and researchers publish their papers in the best target journals indexed by MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science with high impact factors (IFs).


By completing the training programs, participants may boost their confidence in biomedical writing and editing. Professional orientation can be realized through the exchange of experiences among the participants, aiming at enhancing writing skills and publishing capacity. A clear understanding of the ethical basis and benefits of biomedical writing, editing, and publishing can be achieved and new networks of competent writers, editors, and publishers can be established.


The duration of the programs can vary widely, depending on the needs of the target audience. Short courses can be organized daily for two weeks. Longer programs may take three to six months.

Participants and qualifications

To substantially benefit from the training programs, participants should have an academic degree in the natural sciences, medicine, linguistics, translation studies, or science journalism, or have work experience at a biomedical or pharmaceutical company.
Participants must have some science writing and editing experience, basic knowledge of the structure of a scholarly paper, and good interpersonal communication skills. Health professionals, researchers, educators, medical writers, authors' editors, and translators can also participate in the programs.
Intermediate to advanced knowledge of written English and spoken English skills are expected from each participant to benefit fully from the program and facilitate interactions.

Format of programs

At present, educational programs in the form of graduate degree courses are scarcely available and are mostly offered online. The Science Writing Program at Johns Hopkins University covers basic skills and a master's in science writing (3). The University of Chicago Graham School offers a certified program in medical writing and editing (4). On the other hand, the Master of Science (MS) in Biomedical Writing at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia offers instructions in basic skills for medical writers and electives focusing on regulatory or nonregulatory writing. Finally, there is a new MS program in medical writing which is offered by the University of Innsbruck in Austria (6).
The advantage of the present educational program is that it is not restricted to the graduate degree course format, but it can be arranged in the format of either internships, certified courses, symposia, seminars, webinars, public lectures, academic visits, fellowships, collaborative research, or graduate degree courses. As the main objective is to transfer essential knowledge and skills to those who wish to master science writing, faculty of the department can tailor a specific program for a target group of participants by selecting and enhancing relevant training components. This makes the program more flexible and adaptable. Moreover, the program puts emphasis in facilitating publishing in leading biomedical periodicals.

Administrative issues

Contents of the documents and manuscripts used for the trainings should be kept confidential. The roles of the coordinators and collaborators should be clarified at the start of the program, with careful planning of the participants' residence and expenses. Upon successful completion of a certain course, a certificate informing about its contents and academic hours is awarded. For the materials and manpower system, hosting universities or institutions should ideally have a special academic unit (or aim to develop one) with tenured faculty members who handle courses in medical English, communications, and writing. They will serve as a team of editors developing the editing, writing, and publishing materials and the programs; providing editorial support using electronic editorial services; and promoting international publications.


Good educational programs should be spearheaded by experienced academic mentors who generously share their knowledge, skills, and experience. The academic mentors must be highly skilled medical doctors or biomedical experts with a record of high-quality scholarly publications, extensive experience in teaching biomedical courses or editing, and history of successful academic mentorship.


The essential components of the programs can be divided into three schedules: I. Basic aspects of biomedical writing, editing, and communications; II. Essential skills in biomedical writing, editing, and publishing; III. Interactive lectures on relevant topics.

Schedule I: Basic aspects of biomedical writing, editing, and communications

This schedule involves lectures, presentations, workshops, and feedback on the following topics: basic English grammar, editorial/scientific styles, sentence structures and patterns, statistics for medical writers and editors, tables and graphs, components of a paper, conference communications, and preparing an article for publication (Table 1).
The following areas are discussed in detail: 1) basic writing and correct use of words, phrases, and clauses; 2) types and structures of biomedical articles; 3) composing titles, structuring abstracts, designing methodologies, reporting results, writing discussions, and formatting references; 4) editing tables and graphs, diagnostic images in clinical medicine and analytical images in basic sciences; and 5) interpreting statistical analyses.

Schedule II: Essential skills in biomedical writing, editing, and publishing

This schedule covers lectures, presentations, or workshops and feedback to build skills in biomedical writing, editing, and publishing. Participants critically appraise biomedical manuscripts and develop skills in substantive editing and copyediting of different parts of a manuscript (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). These activities are also aimed at evaluating the scientific merit of the results and the validity of the conclusions.
Participants also gain skills in searching through bibliographic databases, institutional repositories, detecting scientific misconduct, and communicating with authors, reviewers, and editors. Practical exercises cover scientific authorship (criteria of authorship, inappropriate authorship), conflicts of interest, plagiarism detection, and other issues in publication ethics. Familiarizing with study designs, research reporting guidelines of the Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research (EQUATOR) Network (, and guidance from global editorial associations are also included in this schedule (Table 2).

Schedule III: Interactive lectures on relevant topics

Schedule III involves interactive lectures, presentations, workshops, and feedback on topics in medical writing, editing, and publishing. These activities allow improvement in analytical thinking. The topics covered range from peer review, journal indexing, impact indicators, editorial management systems, research designs, publication misconduct, editorial decision-making, open access, and digital publishing (Table 3).


Participants of the program will receive a written evaluation regarding their performance for the activities covered. To reinforce the learning process, feedback emphasizing points for improvement is provided. Verbal evaluation and feedback may also be provided daily during the programs.
Halfway through the program, participants receive evaluations regarding their ability to 1) consistently correct the English or scientific language, 2) identify and correct ambiguities and inconsistencies, 3) edit to the journal language requirements, and 4) write the required statements, disclosures, and information.
At the end of a program, participants receive evaluations regarding their ability to 1) evaluate the research design, 2) determine the internal validity of the results and conclusions, 3) identify potential errors and biases that may distort the results or study interpretation, 4) suggest new sentences or sections for omission, and 5) give advice for manuscripts that fail to meet content and formatting guidelines.


Upon completion of a certain educational program, participants will be encouraged to write a publishable paper on one of the topics covered during the program. The paper will be submitted to a suitable target journal indexed in MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science.


Educational programs in biomedical writing, editing, and publishing should be organized to provide a foundation for improving skills and competence in these fields, as well as for gaining in-depth knowledge and understanding of research methodology, science communication, and scholarly publication (Fig. 1).

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Essential components (Schedules I, II, and III), mechanics, evaluation, and target outcome of educational programs in biomedical writing, editing, and publishing.

Table 1

Schedule I: Basic aspects of biomedical writing, editing, and communications

Topics Core activities Acquired skills
1. Basic grammar usage (7) - Identifying correct grammar use in scientific language - Correct use of grammar in scientific texts
- Editing text by correcting grammar
2. Editorial/scientific style (8) - Correct punctuations, hyphenations, spelling, capitalization, surnames, trademarks, abbreviations, numbers, units of measure, and plurals - Attention to details of editorial/scientific style
- Consistency in language and style
3. Sentence structures and patterns (9) - Mastering different sentence structures and patterns - Recognition of sentence structures and patterns
- Rewriting incorrect sentences - Upgrading sentence constructions
- Correcting use of language - Proper use of scientific language
- Identifying useful style guides and other language resources
4. Proper use of statistics for biomedical writers and editors (10) - Familiarizing with basic statistical terminology and methods - Proper use of statistical tests and concepts
- Identifying study designs and corresponding statistics for data analysis
5. Tables, graphs, and biomedical images (11) - Identifying and editing different types of tables, graphs, and images - Correct use of tables, graphs, and images
6. Components of a scientific paper (12) - Appropriate use of style and words - Mastery of article components
- Identifying and editing different components of a scientific paper - Familiarity with different types of articles
7. Conference communications (13, 14) - Learning how to draft effective oral presentations - Upgrading oral and poster presentation skills
- Preparing poster presentations - Accuracy in conference report writing
- Writing informative and reflective conference reports
8. Preparing an article for publication (15, 16, 17) - Familiarizing with different types of articles - Familiarity with different types of articles
- Correct citing and referencing - Organization of manuscript and data
- Improving visual presentation of data
Table 2

Schedule II: Essential skills in medical writing, editing, and publishing

Topics Core activities Acquired skills
1. Appraisal of a scholarly article (18) - Editing, writing, formatting, reviewing, and confirming scientific text - Analysis of research significance
- Correct use of format, style, grammar, words, and phrases - Assessment of research methodology and results
- Accurate use of terminology - Attention to study details
- Presenting research methods clearly - Appraisal of a scientific paper in terms of style, format, syntax, language, content, logic, and overall impact
- Use of scientific nomenclature
2. Composing an effective cover letter (19) - Checking text and tone - Synthesis of the article
- Highlighting significant findings and novelty - Detail orientation
- Acknowledging contributors' efforts - Presenting novelty
- Disclosing any conflict of interest
- Listing potential peer reviewers
- Disclosing funding
3. Understanding and interpreting editorial decisions - Interpreting decisions regarding acceptance, revision, and rejection - Interpretation of editorial decisions and reviewer comments
- Clarifying journal instructions regarding revision and resubmission - Response formulation and organization
- Critical thinking of research implications
- Analysis of study relevance
4. Resubmission - Providing point-by-point responses to reviewer comments - Reassessment of manuscripts
- Reviewing manuscripts - Appraisal of logical flow in the manuscripts
- Re-editing and proof-checking of rebuttal letters - Novelty assessment
- Cross-checking of text revisions - Correctness of revisions
5. Composing responses to reviewer comments (20) - Copying and pasting of all comments into the response (rebuttal) letter - Accurate interpretation of comments
- Providing point-by-point responses to the comments - Composing clear responses
- Explaining revisions made in the text and cover letter - Adhering to the journal instructions
- Writing polite and evidence-based rebuttals - Acknowledging reviewers and editors collaborative efforts
- Preparing ready-to-deliver files with responses and changes clearly differentiated
6. Rejection and resubmission - Careful analysis of all previous comments - Article reassessment
- Addressing important points - Choosing best target journals and avoiding 'illegitimate/predatory' journals
- Choosing a new target journal
- Following new target journal guidelines
- Resubmitting the manuscript
7. Editing poster presentations (21) - Streamlining/organizing headings and content - Familiarity with poster preparation
- Checking tables and figure resolution - Editing and formatting presentations
- Evaluating layout and presentation script - Detail orientation
8. Editing oral presentations (22) - Editing text to ensure interactiveness - Composing interactive script
- Audio and video recording at various speeds - Use of appropriate language
- Coaching presentations - Adherence to presentation time
- Proficiency in audio and video recording
9. Conforming to journal instructions (16, 23) - Identifying the type of submission - Meeting text and format requirements
- Meeting the word count limits - Editing required and unnecessary parts
- Structuring abstracts - Assessment of target journal level
- Dividing the manuscript into sections - Detail orientation
- Formatting references
- Adhering to ethics and reporting standards
10. Online submission (24) - Preparation of all necessary files - Familiarity with online submission systems
- Creating a journal log-in account/password - Accurate preparation of online submission files
- Following all author instructions - Competence in preparing disclosures and supplemental files
- Completing the online submission step-by-step - Listing relevant reviewers
- Preparing all disclosures
- Suggesting potential reviewers
- Completing submission checklists
11. Galley proofreading (25) - Handling PDF files of galley proofs - Handling and editing PDF files
- Annotating PDF-formatted galley for errors in spelling, typescript, punctuation, grammar, and formatting - Meeting proofreading deadlines
- Communicating with journal editors and publishers before publication
12. Citing web resources (26) - Citing non-print materials, including grey literature - Citation of and familiarity with online materials
- Referencing e-publications, post-publication peer reviews, and supplements
13. Editing references (17, 27) - Correcting citation format - Detail orientation
- Checking reference accuracy - Accuracy in following journal instructions
- Formatting references - Mastery of reference formatting
- Confirming reference linking
- Using digital object identifiers (DOI)
14. Title and abstract editing (28) - Title and abstract formatting, editing, and styling - Structuring titles
- Summarizing studies
- Learning rules of title and abstract writing
15. Author-reviewer-editor relationship (2) - Clarifying author-reviewer-editor relationship - Improved author-reviewer-editor communication
- Writing queries to authors
- Following reviewer and editor comments/ instructions
16. Identifying different types of studies in medical research (29) - Recognizing various types of studies - Acuity in identifying research study types
- Meeting formatting and structural requirements of each study type - Familiarity with research study designs
- Conforming to research reporting guidelines - Knowledge of research reporting standards
17. Identifying manuscript sections (30) - Highlighting manuscript sections - Mastery of manuscript sections
- Checking appropriateness of each manuscript section - Accurate organization of data
- Correct presentation of text according to the manuscript sections
18. Familiarizing with conflicts of interest disclosures (31) - Understanding financial and nonfinancial conflicts of interest - Familiarity and knowledge of appropriate disclosures
- Writing conflicts of interest statements
19. Searching through online databases (32) - Searching online databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE - Enhanced skills in searching through search engines to retrieve biomedical information
20. Choosing target journals (33) - Assessing manuscript level and matching it with the best target journals - Familiarity with journal rankings
- Identifying journal rankings according to traditional and alternative impact indicators - Enhanced skills in journal appraisal and suitability assessment
- Clarifying the journal's scope, aims, and editorial policies
21. Familiarizing with global editorial associations and their educational resources (34) - Explaining the importance of editorial guidelines and reporting guidelines - Familiarity with good publishing practice
- Ensuring good publishing practice
Table 3

Schedule III: Interactive lectures on relevant topics

Topics Subtopics
1. Peer review · Restraining 'rational cheating' in peer review
· Open-access publishing and cascading peer review
· Instructions for reviewers
· Models of peer review
· How to pick best peer reviewers
2. Impact indicators · Traditional, alternative, and spurious impact indicators
3. Writing courses · Biomedical writing and editing course for medical graduates
· Writing modules for publication writers
4. Editorial management systems · Academic editing systems and writing programs
· Editorial services for medical universities
5. Research methodology · Research study designs
· Writing qualitative research
6. Internships · Medical editing internships
· Editorial internship and mentorship
7. Publication misconduct · Scientific authorship and contributorship
· Responsibilities of authors
· Conflicts of interest
· Research misconduct
· Plagiarism
· Retractions of biomedical articles
8. Scholarly publishing · Elements of biomedical journal editing and indexing
· Illegitimate or predatory publishing
· Upgrading instructions for authors
9. Editorial policies and processes · Main points in author guidelines/instructions
· Editorial credentials and editorial board selection
10. Open access · Open access, open peer review, and data sharing
· Open access and research impact indicators
11. Digital publishing · Online submission and publication
· Editing PDFs of galley proofs
12. Elements of proper biomedical writing · Roles of authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers in ensuring reference accuracy
· Searching, writing, preparing, and publishing scientific papers
· Use and abuse of citations, auto-citations and citation 'cartels'
· Guidelines in writing medical papers in English
13. Global editorial associations · Science editors' associations
· Educational resources for science editors
14. Journal publishing · Reference cross-checking and linking (DOI)
· How to maximize visibility, impact, and citation of research
15. Introductory biomedical statistics · Basic statistics for scholarly articles
16. Scientific publication quality · Improving the quality of scholarly articles
· Research validation standards


DISCLOSURE The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION Conception, design, writing, review and revision: Barroga E, Vardaman M.


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Edward Barroga

Maya Vardaman

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