Journal List > J Korean Med Sci > v.24(Suppl 1) > 1021023

Kim, Kim, Choi, Kim, and Yoo: PREFACE
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a worldwide public health problem. It became evident that there is a rising incidence and prevalence of CKD, globally, and patients with CKD have increased risk of adverse outcomes such as cardiovascular mortality and morbidity compared to general population. Moreover, most kidney diseases tend to progress and worsen over time. This progressive loss of kidney function results in end stage renal disease, which requires dialysis or transplantation to sustain life and the risk of adverse outcomes increased over time. Many patients, who have to receive medical or surgical treatment, will be accompanied by CKD in the future.
This publication of the JKMS supplement, titled 'Chronic Kidney Disease, Current Issue in Medicine', represents the clinical and experimental articles about CKD. Also, some review articles about CKD by external authors were included in this supplement. These articles give us a good opportunity of sharing knowledge on the CKD through informative and detailed review. We hope that this supplement will foster further interest in CKD patient population and that it will stimulate established specialists to perform additional research on CKD.
On behalf of the Korean Society of Nephrology, we would like to acknowledge the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences who gave the chance of this publication and the reviewers who gave so much of their time and effort to the review of manuscripts.
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