Journal List > J Korean Med Sci > v.18(1) > 1019611

Hong, Kim, Oh, Rah, Ahn, Kim, Koh, and Lee: The Validity of the ISAAC Written Questionnaire and the ISAAC Video Questionnaire (AVQ 3.0)for Predicting Asthma Associated with Bronchial Hyperreactivity in a Group of 13-14 Year Old Korean Schoolchildren


To validate the prevalence rate of symptoms of asthma produced by the phase I ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) study, hypertonic saline challenge test was carried out during the phase II study at a year after the phase I study. For the phase II study, six middle schools from three cities in the phase I study were selected. Finally, 499 children who responded to both studies were analyzed. All subjects were asked to complete the written questionnaire (WQ) first, followed by a video questionnaire (AVQ 3.0) during the phase I study. Of the 499 children, only 19 (3.8%) were positive to the hypertonic saline bronchial challenge test. The degree of agreement between responses to the two corresponding questions "wheezing at rest" and "nocturnal wheeze" in the AVQ 3.0 and WQ were moderate and weak with a Kappa indices of 0.45 and 0.23, respectively. The question on "severe wheeze" in the AVQ 3.0 had the highest Youden's index among the five questions related to asthma symptoms in the previous 12 months, but its specificity was low whereas it 's sensitivity was 1.0. There was no consistency of priority between the two questionnaires in predicting bronchial hyperreactivity in a group of Korean schoolchildren. Therefore we need to develop more appropriate WQ or AVQ to compare the prevalences of asthma to other countries.

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