For many many thousand years, mankind has been using various plants as nutrient,
beverage, cosmetics, dye and medicine to maintain health and to improve
quality of life. In Aisa, particularly, Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer is considered to
be the most precious plant among herbs, and ginseng has been in the spotlight
worldwide. Even in the Western world, where there are greatly advanced research
facilities and highly qualified man-power available, and are regarded to be capable
of conquering any hard-to-cure ailments, many peoples has recently been
reported to use herbal medicine, particularly ginseng. In the present compilation
of papers, many scientists contributed papers pertaining to "Chemopreventive
effects of ginseng". In order to facilitate the readers understand easier and better,
I catalogued this collection as follows: The spiritual nature of ginseng in the
Far East, the history of ginseng, nomenclature and geographical distribution of
ginseng, and type of ginseng products.