Calcification of gastric carcinoma is unusual and most of the reported cases
were of the mucinous type. This report describes two cases of papillo-tubular
adenocarcinoma of the stomach with psammomatous calcification confined only to
the papillary portion. Calcification was so heavy that specimen X-ray was able
to clearly delineate its distribution. Microscopically, the calcification was
confined to the papillary carcinoma area and was not found in the area of the
tubular adenocarcinoma. Polymorphic calcific bodies were found in the supportive
stroma of papillae and extrapapillary spaces as concentrically laminated
psammoma bodies. They were also found in tumor cells as minute corpuscles. The
mechanism of neoplastic mineralization in these cases seemed different from
ontogenic calcification of mucinous gastric carcinoma and we postulated the
mechanism of psammomatous calcification which is referred as intracellular