Journal List > J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc > v.57(1) > 1017869

Ryu: The Clinical Significance of Cognitive Interventions for the Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment


Patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are at increased risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Currently, no disease-modifying or preventive drugs for AD are available. Non-pharmacological interventions, including cognitive intervention and physical exercise, could assist in the prevention and treatment of AD. Cognitive interventions can improve cognition and prevent dementia, and promote cognitive reserve and plasticity. As there are few standardized intervention programs for the treatment of MCI, development and effective study of cognitive interventions are needed. Psychiatrists should have a great interest in this kind of non-pharmacological interventions regarding neurocognitive disorders.


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Fig. 1.
Example of training effect of cognitive intervention. From the neuroimaging study result of metamemory training program in the elderly.
Table 1.
Factors affecting changes of the brain
Growing factors Atrophic factors
Exercise Poor medical conditions
Well-balanced diet Smoking and alcohol
Cognitive activity Poor nutrition and obesity
Social and leisure activity Sedentary lifestyle
Mindfulness Stress, depression and insomnia
Stable affect and good sleep Traumatic brain injury
Table 2.
Classification and characteristics of cognitive interventions
  Cognitive stimulation Cognitive training Cognitive rehabilitation
Subjects Normal aging Normal aging Late MCI
SMC/MCI SMC Dementia
Dementia Early MCI
Objectives Improve general cognitive and social function Preventive Improve cognitive deficits
Enhance cognitive reserve and plasticity Compensatory and/or restorative
Contents Cognitive and social activities Strategy training Functional activities training
Process training Process/strategies retraining
Multimodal approaches Multi-sensorial training
Procedure By volunteers or non-professional staffs By professional trainers By professional trainers
Structured program Individualized approach
Multiple sessions with small group Including caregivers
In clinical settings In clinical settings

SMC : Subjective memory complaints, MCI : Mild cognitive impairment

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