This study was conducted to observe a longitudinal course of patients with schizophrenia enrolled in a community mental health center (CMHC) in Seoul, Korea, and to evaluate the clinical efficacy of case management provided for them.
Study subjects, including 50 patients in a case-managed group, and 34 patients in the control group, were enrolled from a CMHC and followed up for 36 months. Annual length of hospitalization was compared between two groups by t-tests and time until hospitalization by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis.
For the first year of observation, there was no significant difference in annual length of hospitalization between two groups (3.4 weeks vs. 2.9 weeks), but annual length of hospitalization of the case-managed group became significantly shorter for the second (1.7 weeks vs. 7.2 weeks) and third year (1.4 weeks vs. 7.8 weeks). In Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, no difference in time until hospitalization was observed between two groups, but time until hospitalization more than 3 months was significantly shorter in the control group.
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