Journal List > J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc > v.52(3) > 1017621

Shin, Kim, Jung, Kim, Jung, Cho, and Jung: The Standardization of the Korean Version of the Patient Health Questionnaire-2



An early diagnosis to improve the outcome of depression demands a briefer and more reliable measure than any other diagnosis. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) is reliable measure made in 1999. In this study, we tried to verify the reliabilty and validity of two types of PHQ-2, and to compare these two types.


From July of 2011 to September of 2012, a total of 74 outpatients and inpatients in the Department of Psychiatry, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center performed the depression scales. As a normal control group, 58 individuals working in the hospital performed the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9.


The internal consistency and test-retest reliabilty were favorable. Two types of the PHQ-2 were statistically significant in correlation between item and total scores. In comparison of mean scores of the PHQ-2 between two groups, the differences between groups were statistically significant. Correaltion of the total scores of other depression scales with those of the PHQ-2 was statistically significant both in scales. Examined according to the severity of depression by other scales, the total mean scores of the PHQ-2 tended to increase according to the severity of depression. The optimal cut-off score was 3 in Scaled PHQ-2 (Sensitivity : 91.9%, Specificity : 100%).


The assessed reliabilty and validity of the PHQ-2 made it an attractive measure for depression screening over other scales. Scaled PHQ-2 was more reliable and valid than Yes or No PHQ-2. Therefore, the PHQ-2 is a briefer and more useful measure for screening depression.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Demographic chracteristics of the study population

n : Number

Table 2
Internal consistency of the PHQ-2

PHQ-2 : Patient Health Questionnaire-2

Table 3
Correlation of each item score with the total score of the PHQ-2

*: p<0.01. PHQ-2 : Patient Health Questionnaire-2

Table 4
Comparision of the PHQ-2 scores between the depressed group and the control group

SD : Standard deviation, PHQ-2 : Patient Health Questionnaire-2

Table 5
Correlation of the total scores of each scale with the total score of the PHQ-2

*: p<0.01. PHQ : Patient Health Questionnaire, HRSD : Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, BDI : Beck Depression Inventory

Table 6
The total mean score of the PHQ-2 according to the severity of the depression

n : Number, PHQ-2 : Patient Health Questionnaire-2, HRSD : Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, BDI : Beck Depression Inventory

Table 7
Sensitivity and specificity of the PHQ-2

PHQ-2 : Patient Health Questionnaire-2


The authors have no financial conflicts of interest.


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