Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.36(11) > 1016176

Park, Park, Lee, Park, Lee, Park, Choi, Jeong, and Seong: The Clinical Feasibility of Transradial Coronary Intervention in Selective Patients Undergoing Left Main Coronary Intervention


Background and Objectives

The transradial approach has been increasingly used as an alternative to conventional transfemoral intervention. However, there is little data on the efficacy of transradial coronary intervention (TRI) in left main coronary arterial (LMCA) disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of TRI in selective patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for LMCA disease.

Subjects and Methods

Between Jan 2003 and May 2005, 83 patients with LMCA stenosis were treated with PCI. Of these, 40 selected patients having undergone TRI were included in this study.


The patients included 30 males and 10 females, with a mean age of 61±12 years. There were 28 cases (70%) involving coronary arteries other than the LMCA and 24 cases (60%) with bifurcation lesion involvement. In 28 cases (70%), a 6 Fr sized guiding catheter was used. No case required crossover from TRI to TFI due to procedural failure. During hospitalization, 2 patients who underwent primary PCI in the setting of STEMI died, but there were no other clinical events.


In selected patients with LMCA disease, TRI can be a feasible and safe approach for PCI.

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