Journal List > Korean J Perinatol > v.26(2) > 1013743

Lee: Perinatal Outcomes of Pregnancy with Assisted Reproductive Technology


Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is defined as any treatment and procedure associated with the handling of human oocytes, sperms or embryos for the purpose of establishing a pregnancy. As the use of ART has been dramatically increasing over 3 decades and the number of babies born by ART are increasing, it is important to consider perinatal outcomes of pregnancies with ART including structural abnormalities, growth and development, as well as the clinical pregnancy rate and the live-birth rate with regard to the parameters assessing the success of ART. Clinicians should be aware of maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnancy with ART and infertile couples considering ART should be thoroughly counseled on these issues. In this article, the perinatal outcomes of pregnancy with ART will be reviewed.


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Table 1.
Guidelines on the Number of Embryos to Transfer
<Guidelines on the number of embryos to transfer in IVF (Korea)14>
Age After 5–6 days of culture After 2–4 days of culture
Favorable embryo quality Unfavorable embryo quality Favorable embryo quality Unfavorable embryo quality
<35 1–2 embryos 2 embryos 2 embryos 3 embryos
35–39 2 embryos 3 embryos 3 embryos 4 embryos
≥ 40 3 embryos 3 embryos 5 embryos 5 embryos
<Criteria for number of embryos to transfer: a committee opinion by ASRM/SART (USA)15>
Cleavage-stage Embryos (day 2 or day 3 ET)
  Age < 35 Age 35–37 Age 38–40 Age > 40
Favorable Prognosis 1–2 2 3 5
All others 2 3 4 5
Blastocyst Embryos (day 5 or day 6 ET)
  Age < 35 Age 35–37 Age 38–40 Age > 40
Favorable Prognosis 1 2 2 3
All others 2 2 3 3
<Guidelines for the Number of Embryos to Transfer Following IVF: Joint SOGC-CFAS (Canada)16>
  Age < 35 Age 35–37 Age 38–39 Age > 39
Fresh embryo transfer 1–2 3 3 4
Favorable Prognosis 1 1–2 2 3

Abbreviations: IVF, in vitro fertilization, ASRM/SART, American Society for Reproductive Medicine/Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies, USA, United States of America, ET, embryo transfer, SOGC-CFAS, The Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Canada-Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society.

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