Journal List > Korean J Perinatol > v.25(2) > 1013735

Han: High-Risk Maternal and Newborn Integrated Care Centers – Status and Issues on Aspect of Pediatric Surgery –


Data of Korea National Statistical Office is showing that the birth rate in Korea is decreasing but high risk pregnancy is increasing; the old age mother, prematurity and low birth weight newborns and multiple twins are increasing. These facts are requiring the Korean government to establish an integrated perinatal management system “High-Risk Maternal and Newborn Centers (HMNC)”. However, the reality is reduction of number of obstetrician, neonatal physician and their related physicians. The lack of beds for the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and bed for pregnancy are other problems to be solved by Korean government. More than 20% of all neonatal deaths were related to neonatal surgical diseases. The understanding of perinatal surgical disease and its professional surgical care are necessary to eliminate the maternal anxiety, maintain the pregnancy and improve the treatment outcomes of HMNC. Thus, it is ideal that HMNC would have board certified pediatric surgeon. At the same time, HMNC should have surgical facilities and personnel who support the pediatric surgeon's activity. If HNMC could not hire full time surgical specialist due to any reasons, it should have legal medical system to support pediatric surgeons to help the newborn with surgical diseases in HN


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6.Korean Academy of Medical Science.
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Fig. 1.
Concept of surgical supportive system for high-risk maternal and newborn integrated care centers.
Table 1.
Number of Active Domestic Pediatric Surgeons Modified from Data of the Homepage of Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons, June 2014
병원 인원 수
가천의대길병원 1
가톨릭의대서울성모병원 2
강남세브란스병원 1
강원대어린이병원 1
건국대학병원 1
경북대학병원 1
계명대학교동산의료원 2
고려대학교안암병원 1
단국대학교 1
대구파티마병원 2
분당서울대학교병원 1
삼성서울병원 2
서울대학교어린이병원 3
서울아산병원 3
소화아동병원 1
신촌세브란스어린이병원 3
아주의대병원 1
양산부산대학교병원 2
영남대병원 1
이화의대목동병원 1
인제대학교부산백병원 1
인하대병원 1
일산백병원 1
전남의대병원 2
전북대학교병원 2
충남대학교병원 2
한림의대평촌성심병원 1
해운대백병원 1
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