Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.45(1) > 1013045

Kang, Kim, Hwang, Chung, Kim, and Kim: Little Leaguer Shoulder with Contralateral Thrower's Fracture of the Humerus in Adolescent Baseball Pitchers


Baseball-related injuries are on the rise due to its increasing popurity as an international sports. Among them, Little League Shoulder is characterized by pain when pitching and is associated with specific roentgenographic changes in adolescent baseball pitchers. Ball thrower's fracture is defined as a fracture of the humeral diaphysis resulting from overhead throwing without any external contact but it is rare in adolescents. We report a case of Little League Shoulder with a contralateral thrower's fracture of the humeral shaft related to baseball pitching in an ambidextrous adolescent baseball pitcher with a review of the relevant literature.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Initial both shoulder AP radiograph demonstrates widening of physis of left proximal humerus compared to right side (arrow).
Figure 2
Left shoulder MRI shows widening of physis in T1WI and abnormal high signal intensity of anterolateral aspect of metaphysis of proximal humerus in T2WI.
Figure 3
Right humerus X-ray shows oblique fracture of humeral shaft with a medial butterfly fragment.
Figure 4
1 year follow up X-ray of right humerus reveals complete union of fracture and remodeling.
Figure 5
Final both shoulder radiograph shows normal appearance of physis of left proximal humerus.


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