We wanted to compare the nerve regeneration of inside-out vein grafts, muscle-filled inside-out vein grafts and fat-interposed inside-out vein grafts to repair the 10 mm sciatic nerve defects in rats.
Materials and Methods
We performed inside-out vein grafts, muscle-filled inside-out vein grafts and fat-interposed inside-out vein grafts to repair the 10 mm sciatic nerve defects in 45 rats. Histological examinations (the numbers and diameters of myelinated nerve fibers), electrophysiologic testing (Compound Muscle Action Potential (CMAP) and Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV)) examinations were performed 3 months after surgery.
Quantitative analysis of myelinated nerve fibers showed that total number of nerve fibers was significantly greater in group 1 or 3 than that in group 2. There were statistical differences in the three groups for the fiber diameters of the myelinated fibers. Electrophysiologic examination showed that both CMAP and NCV were significantly greater in group 3 than that in group 2 and there was no statistical difference between in groups 1 and 3.
This study shows that fat-interposed inside-out vein grafts have excellent axonal regeneration as compared to that of inside-out vein grafts or muscle-filled inside-out vein grafts to repair 10 mm sciatic nerve defects in rat. Therefore fat-interposed inside-out vein grafts are an effective method to accelerate the early axonal regeneration for repairing nerve defects.
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