Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.42(5) > 1012713

Shin, Cho, Yoon, Kim, and Lee: The Relationships between Homocysteine, Folate, MTHER and TSER Polymorphism for Osteoporotic Compression Fracture in Postmenopausal Women



To analyze the relationships between homocysteine, folate, MTHFR and TSER polymorphism for postmenopausal women with osteoporotic compression fractures.

Materials and Methods

Forty-three postmenopausal compression fracture patients and as many normal controls were included. The plasma homocysteine and folate levels were measured using a FPIA (fluorescent polarizing immunoassay) kit. The MTHFR and TSER genotypes were amplified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and separated by RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) in a 3.5% agarose gel.


The plasma folate level was significantly lower in the postmenopausal women with osteoporotic compression fractures, particularly in the MTHFR 677CT and TSER 2R (-) genotypes. However, the plasma homocysteine level and MTHFR C677T polymorphism were similar to the control group.


A low folate level and the TSER 2R (-) genotype can be associated with osteoporotic compression fractures in postmenopausal women.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Baseline Characteristics in the Postmenopausal Compression Fracture Patients and Control Subjects
Table 2
MTHFR C677T Genotype Distributions in the Postmenopausal Compression Fracture Patients and Control Subjects TESR
Table 3
TSER Genotype Distributions in the Postmenopausal Compression Fracture Patients and Control Subjects
Table 4
Plasma Folate Levels in the Postmenopausal Compression Fracture Patients and Control Subjects according to the MTHFR C677T Genotype
Table 5
Plasma Homocysteine Levels in the Postmenopausal Compression Fracture Patients and Control Subjects according to the MTHFR C667T Genotype
Table 6
Plasma Folate Levels in the Postmenopausal Compression Fracture Patients and Control Subjects according to the TSER Genotype
Table 7
Plasma Homocysteine Levels in the Postmenopausal Compression Fracture Patients and Control Subjects according to the TSER Genotype


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