Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.37(6) > 1012075

Kim, Kim, Lim, Rhyu, Yoo, and Song: Short Term Results of Cementless Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty using an Interlocking Femoral Stem



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short term results of cementless revision total hip arthroplasty using an interlocking femoral stem.

Materials and Methods

Between November 1997 and October 1999, 73 hips were revised using a cementless, proximally-coated, long femoral stem with distal holes for interlocking screw fixation (BiCONTACT®). Among them, 66 patients (68 hips) were followed both clinically and radiologically for at least two years.


The average Harris hip score was 61 (range, 33-78) preoperatively, and this improved to 85 (range, 68-95) at the last follow-up. Mild thigh pain was present in 4 patients, but was not associated with loosening. Radiologically, significant subsidence (>5 mm) of the stem was noticed in no case. A radiolucent line wider than 2 mm was present in 1 hip (zones 4 and 5), but was not progressive. At the most recent follow-up, all stems were fixed by bony ingrowth and no visible osteolysis was detected.


The short term results of revision total hip arthroplasty using an interlocking femoral stem (BiCONTACT®) were satisfactory.

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