Journal List > J Korean Soc Magn Reson Med > v.16(2) > 1011838

You, Lee, Lee, Kim, Ryu, Kim, and Jahng: Structural and Functional Changes of Hippocampus in Long Life Experienced Taxi Driver



The objective of this study was to investigate the differences of hippocampal volume and shape as well as the functional change between long life experienced taxi drivers and controls of Korean population.

Materials and Methods

Three-dimensional T1-weighted images and blood oxygen level dependent functional MRI(fMRI) were obtained from 8 subjects, consisting of 4 experienced (20-30 years) taxi drivers and 4 age-matched controls. The hippocampal volume and shape were analyzed with three-dimensional T1-weighted images. In addition, neuronal activities of brain were analyzed using a blood oxygen level dependent fMRI between the two groups.


The hippocampal volume showed no statistically significant difference between the two groups (p > 0.05). The left hippocampi of the taxi drivers were slightly elongated with larger head and tail portions than those of the controls (p < 0.05, uncorrected). For the functional MRI, fusiform gyrus was specifically activated in taxi drivers, compared with the control group.


The structural and functional changes of taxi driver's hippocampus indicate the functional differentiation as a result of occupational dependence on spatial navigation. In other words, the continuous usage of spatial navigation performance may diminish degeneration of hippocampus and the related brain regions.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
A sample of road maps (A) and control maps (B) that was used during the functional MRI task. The four different question pictures were shown during the stimulation period.
A. An example of road map
(a). An overall picture showing the starting point (red), stop by point (green) and the final destination point (blue).
(b). A close-up image showing the starting point (red).
(c). A close-up image showing the stop by point (green).
(d). A close-up image showing the final destination point (blue).
B. The control maps. The four different crossroad pictures were shown during the baseline period.
Fig. 2
The morphometric analysis with reconstructed hippocampal structures using spherical harmonic descriptors.
The left hippocampus of taxi driver group is shown in this figure with slightly elongated mean distances from center of the mass to each vertex and larger head (open arrows) and tail (thick black arrows) portions. The comparison of mean distance value between the two group was recorded as color spectrum (uncorrected p < 0.05). Areas that have statistically significant differences in hippocampal shape between the taxi driver group and the control, are shown here as black colored region-head and tail portions of hippocampus.
Fig. 3
Activated brain regions in the functional MRI study of the taxi driver group (a) and the control group (b) are shown.
a. The taxi drivers show neuronal activation mainly in the temporal lobe and fusiform gyrus.
b. The controls show neuronal activation mainly in the frontal and parietal lobes.
Table 1
Demographic Characteristics of Taxi Drivers and Control Subjects
Table 2
Comparisons of Hippocampal Volumes between the Taxi Driver (D) Group and the Control (C) Group

Note.- Rt, right; Lt, left

Mean ± SD in the subjects

Corrected volume: the normalized mean hippocampal volume with intracranial volume

There was no statistically significant difference in the hippocampal volume between the two groups (p value > 0.101 for the right side, p value > 0.609 for the left side).

Table 3
The Mean Length (distance) of Hippocampi in the Taxi Driver (D) Group and the Control (C) Group

Note.- * ICV; intracranial volume (number of voxels)

** Distance (mm) = the sum of distances of hippocampus as measured from each vertex to the center of the mass.

Normalized distance = the normalized distance of hippocampal shape by using the individual ICV and then multiply by 10000.

§Mean ± SD in the subjects

The mean length of hippocampus in the taxi driver group was slightly longer than that in the control group for the left side (uncorrected p < 0.05), but not for the right side (uncorrected p = 0.2).

Table 4
The Activated Brain Regions During the Activation Period in the Control (A) Group and in the Taxi Driver (B) Group on Functional MRI Obtained with One Sample t-test (p=0.05) and Correcting for Multiple Comparisons with the False Discovery Rate (FDR) Method


This study was supported by a grant of the Korean Health Technology R & D Project, Ministry for Health, Welfare & Family Affairs, Republic of Korea (A092125).


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