Journal List > J Korean Soc Magn Reson Med > v.15(3) > 1011823

Jung, Son, Kim, Kim, Eun, and Mun: A Comparison Study on Human Brain Volume of White Matter, Gray Matter and Hippocampus Depending on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Conditions and Applied Brain Template



The aim of this study was to examine the volume differences of human brain 3-D MR images obtained by automatic segmentation methods depending on brain templates and image acquisition conditions, respectively.

Materials and Methods

3D T1-weighted MR images oriented in coronal and sagittal plane were acquired from eight healthy subjects (29.5±5.66 years) using two identical 3T MR scanners at different sites. Caucasian brain template and Korean elderly brain template were applied for the same subject to segment brain structural region. Volumetric differences and variation of gray matter, white matter and hippocampus depending on scan orientations and brain template types were statistically evaluated.


Volumetric measurements have some different results for the same subject images depending on scan orientation in identical MR scanners but not significantly. However, all segmented volumes relied upon brain templates were significantly different (p<0.05). Small variation of the volume in gray matter, white matter (coefficient of variation, CV≤1%) and hippocampus (CV≤3%) were obtained. Comparing the mean CV in all segmented regions, variation of scan orientation was not significantly different with inter scanner variation but variation relied upon brain templates were significantly different (p<0.001).


Authors found that brain template regarding the specific properties of the subjects is required to reduce the errors of brain volumetry.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
Segmentation and volumetry procedure of hippocampus. (a) T1-weighted 3D MR image of human brain. (b) Segmented GM region, (c) Segmented hippocampus region and (d) its 3D ROI rendering.
Fig. 2
Differences in the volumes of (a) brain tissues and (b) hippocampus segmented from automatic processes using MNI 152 templates (circle) and Korean elderly brain templates (triangle). Results of each subject are represented as mean volumes on the image acquisition conditions
*Significant difference (p<0.05) between segmented volumes
**Significant difference (p<0.01) between segmented volumes
Fig. 3
(a) Scan orientation variations and (b) inter-scanner variations on measured volume of human brain tissues(GM, WM, left and right hippocampus) for each subject using MNI 152 brain template and FIRST models for hippocampus
Fig. 4
(a) Scan orientation variations and (b) inter-scanner variations on measured volume of human brain tissues(GM, WM, left and right hippocampus) for each subject using Korean elderly brain/hippocampus template
Fig. 5
Segmented gray matter images overlaid with (a~c) hippocampus regions derived from FSL using FIRST models for hippocampus and (d~f) hippocampus regions derived from SPM using Korean elderly hippocampus template
Table 1
Coefficient of Variation (CV) for the Volumetry of Human Brain Structural Regions Depending on Scan Orientation and Applied Brain Templates

Note.- Unless otherwise indicated, data are mean ± standard deviation (%)

1)Scan orientation: acquisition of 3D MR images oriented in coronal and sagittal view

2)Inter-scanner: between two MR scanners in different sites with the same model

3)GM: gray matter, WM: white matter, Left hipp: left hippocampus, Right hipp: right hippocampus, all regions: GM, WM, left and right hippocampus


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