Journal List > J Korean Soc Magn Reson Med > v.14(2) > 1011787

Lee, Kim, Kang, Choi, and Lee: Clinical Experience of 3T Breast MRI in Detecting the Additional Lesions in Breast Cancer Patients



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 3.0-T breast MRI for detecting additional breast cancer soon after the initial diagnosis of breast cancer.

Materials and Methods

From March to June 2009, 101 patients recently diagnosed breast cancer underwent breast MRI and surgery. Parameters analyzed on MRI were total extent of tumor, suspicious findings of multifocal, multicentric, or contralateral cancer. The diagnosis of MRI-detected cancer was confirmed by means of biopsy or surgical specimen evaluation after the localization.


MRI showed 37 additional suspicious findings in 34 patients. Twenty nine findings were true-positive (29/37, 78.4%), including 16 cases of multifocality, 11 cases of multicentricity and 2 cases of contralateral cancer. Among these cancers, 13 (44.8%) were ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 16 (55.1%) were infiltrating cancer. Eight findings were false-positive (8/37, 21.6%) including 6 cases of benign disease and 2 cases of high-risk lesions.


In women with recently diagnosed breast cancer, 3.0-T MR imaging showed additional suspicious findings in 33.7%. The sensitivity and specificity for detecting additional breast cancer was 100% and 89.3%, respectively.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
35-year-old woman with invasive ductal cancer and true positive multifocal malignancies. 3D MIP image shows an index mass (arrow) and two multifocal daughter nodules (arrowheads) at upper outer quadrant of right breast.
Fig. 2
53-year-old woman with invasive ductal cancer and true positive multicentric malignancies. Axial subtraction image shows an index mass (arrow) at upper inner quadrant of left breast. Also detected multifocal and multicentric malignancies (arrowheads) are noted at left upper breast.
Fig. 3
63-year-old woman with invasive ductal cancer and true positive contralateral malignancy. Axial subtraction image shows an index mass at right breast and an irregular spiculated homogeneously enhancing mass at left breast.
Table 1
Additional Suspicious Lesions on 3.0 T MRI

Note.-DCIS indicates ductal carcinoma in situ.


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