Journal List > Korean J Lab Med > v.28(1) > 1011508

Park, Kang, and Lee: HLA-B27 Subtypes in Korean Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis



HLA-B27 is strongly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and its subtypes differ in their ethnic distribution. Studies worldwide have shown that B2701, B2702, B2704, B2705, B2707, B2708, B2714, B2715, and B2719 are AS-predisposing subtypes, whereas B2706 and B2709 are reported to be negatively associated with AS. The aim of this study was to investigate HLA-B27 polymorphism and clinical features according to subtypes in Korean patients with AS.


Two hundred thirty samples from patients with impression of AS were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction using a sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) method. Pel-Freez SSP Unitray HLA-B27 kit (Dynal Biotech, USA) including 16 primers was used to define HLA-B27 subtypes from B2701 to B2735.


Among 230 samples from patients with impression of AS, 171 were HLA-B27 positive, and among 160 patients diagnosed as AS, 154 (96.3%) were HLA-B27 positive, while 17 patients not diagnosed as AS were HLA-B27 positive. Among 154 HLA-B27 positive patients with AS, 142 (92.2%) were typed as B2705 and 9 (5.8%) were typed as B2704. Three cases (1.9%) could be interpreted only variously because of their HLA-B27 homogeneous alleles. Between B2705 and B2704, no specific HLA-B27 subtype appeared to contribute to AS susceptibility (P=0.60). Difference in clinical features between B2705 and B2704 could not be found in this study (P>0.05).


This study verified that HLA-B27 (96.3%) is strongly associated with AS and identified that the major subtypes of HLA-B27 positive patients with AS in Korea are B2705 (92.2%) and B2704 (5.8%).


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Fig. 1.
Amplification patterns of HLA-B27 positive and negative samples.

Each well has internal control (1,200 bp). M, size marker; N, HLA-B27 negative control.

Table 1.
Number and frequency of HLA-B27 in the patients with and without ankylosing spondylitis
  AS non AS Total P value
HLA-B27 (+) 154 (96.3%) 17 (24.3%) 171 <0.0001
HLA-B27 (–) 6 (3.7%) 53 (75.7%) 59  
Total 160 70 230  

Statistical difference of HLA-B27 positivity between AS and non AS was found (P<0.0001).

Abbreviation: AS, ankylosing spondylitis.

Table 2.
Number and frequency of HLA-B27 alleles detected in HLA-B27 positive patients
Allele HLA-B27 positive patients (n=171)
AS (n=154) non AS (n=17) Total (n=171) P value
B2704 9 (5.8%) 0 (0.0%) 9 (5.3%) 0.60
B2705 142 (92.2%) 16 (94.1%) 158 (92.4%)  
B2720 0 (0.0%) 1 (5.9%) 1 (0.6%)  
Others 3 (1.9%) 0 (0.0%) 3 (1.8%)  

Others includes 2 cases that were B2704 & B2705/B2704 & B2728/B2705 & B2715/B2710 & B2704/ B2710 & B2704/B2710 & B 2705/B2710 & B2715/B2710 & B2728 and 1 case that was B2704 & B2715/B2704 & B2731/B2715 & B2731. These 3 cases had HLA-B27 homogeneous alleles, which were identified by HLA-B low resolution typing.

Statistical difference of B2705 and B2704 between AS and non AS was not found (P=0.60).

Table 3.
Clinical features of patients with ankylosing spondylitis according to the HLA-B27 subtypes
Clinical features AS (n=154)
B2705 (n=142) B2704 (n=9) Others (n=3) Total (n=154) P value
Sex (M/F) 114/28 6/3 3/0 123/31  
Age (mean yr) 30.1 32.1 28 30.0  
Spondyloarthritis 142 9 3 154  
  (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)  
Peripheral arthritis 41 1 3 45 0.45
  (28.9%) (11.1%) (100%) (29.2%)  
Uveitis 20 1 2 23 1.00
  (14.1%) (11.1%) (66.7%) (14.9%)  
Enthesitis 10 1 0 11 0.50
  (7.0%) (10.0%) (0.0%) (7.1%)  
Family history 6 0 0 6 1.00
  (4.2%) (0.0%) (0.0%) (3.9%)  

See Table 2;

Statistical differences of clinical features between B2705 and B2704 were not found (P>0.05).

Table 4.
Clinical features of patients with ankylosing spondylitis according to HLA-B27 positivity
Clinical features AS
HLA-B27 (+) (n=154) HLA-B27 (–) (n=6) P value
Sex, M/F 114/28 5/1  
Age (mean yr) 30.0 28  
Spondyloarthritis 154 (100%) 6 (100%)  
Peripheral arthritis 45 (29.2%) 1 (16.7%) 0.67
Uveitis 23 (14.9%) 1 (16.7%) 1.00
Enthesitis 11 (7.1%) 0 (0.0%) 1.00
Family history 6 (3.9%) 0 (0.0%) 1.00

Statistical differences of clinical features according to HLA-B27 positivity were not found (P>0.05).

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