Journal List > Korean J Lab Med > v.28(1) > 1011497

Cho, Kang, Lee, and Lee: A Comparative Evaluation of the Diagnostic Value of Anti-cyclic Citrullinated Peptide and Rheumatoid Factor in Rheumatoid Arthritis



Despite its unsatisfactory specificity, rheumatoid factor (RF) is the only serologic marker included in the diagnostic criteria of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) for rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, the diagnostic value of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies has been emphasized in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) due to its high specificity. To evaluate the second generation of anti-CCP antibodies as a diagnostic marker, we evaluated anti-CCP test in 163 individuals.


The study population was divided into the following four groups: RA group (n=18), other disease group with arthritic symptoms (n=44), other disease group without arthritic symptoms (n=45), and healthy group (n=56). Anti-CCP was measured by an ELISA analyzer (Coda, Bio-Rad, USA) with Immunoscan RA (Euro-Diagnostica, Malmo, Sweden) and RF was measured by an automated chemistry analyzer (Toshiba, Japan) with RF-LATEX X1 (Denka Seiken, Japan).


The sensitivity of anti-CCP and RF was 72.2% and 100%, respectively, and the respective figures for the specificity were 96.6% and 73%. On each ROC curve, the area under the curve was 0.867 for anti-CCP and 0.959 for RF. In other disease groups, most of the false positive cases of RF were found in the patients with hyperlipidemia or HBV carriage. However, anti-CCP was not detected in any of the patients with these two conditions. False positive rates of RF in the three control groups were 34.1% in other disease group with arthritic symptoms, 48.9% in the other disease group without arthritic symptoms, and 3.6% in healthy group. The respective figures for anti-CCP were 6.8%, 2.2%, and 1.8%.


The specificity of anti-CCP antibodies was higher than that of RF for discriminating RA from other diseases, especially in the patients with hyperlipidemia or HBV carriage. With its high specificity, anti-CCP antibodies can play an additive role in establishing the diagnosis of RA in patients with RF positivity.


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Fig. 1.
The levels of anti-CCP and RF in the serum of patients and healthy contols. (A) anti-CCP test, (B) RF test. Line: Cut-off values (RF, 20 IU/mL; anti-CCP, 12.7 U/mL).
Fig. 2.
The receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curve of anti-CCP and RF.
Areas under curves of RF and Anti-CCP were not significantly different (P=0.134).
Table 1.
The distribution of positivity of anti-CCP and RF in RA group and non-RA group
  RA group (n=18) Non-RA group (n=145) P value
Pt. without arthritic Sx (n=45) Pt. with arthritic Sx (n=44) Healthy control (n=56)
RF (+) 18 22 15 2 <0.001
  (100%) (48.9%) (34.1%) (3.6%)  
Anti-CCP (+) 13 1 3 1 <0.001
  (72.2%) (2.2%) (6.8%) (1.8%)  
Anti-CCP (+)          
RF (+) 13 0 2 1  
RF (–) 0 1 1 0  
Anti-CCP (–)          
RF (+) 5 22 13 1  
RF (–) 0 22 28 54  

Cut-off values: RF, 20 IU/mL; anti-CCP, 12.7 U/mL.

Chi square test and fisher's exact test.

Abbreviations: RA, rheumatoid arthritis; Sx, symptom; CCP, cyclic cit-rullinated peptide; RF, rheumatoid factor.

Table 2.
The laboratory and radiologic characteristics of RA group patients
N. patient Sex Radiologic finding RF (IU/mL) Anti-CCP (U/mL) CRP (mg/dL) ESR (mm/hr)
1 F Soft tissue swelling 2,640 417.6 0.8 37
2 F Bony erosion 162 240.7 7.2 36
3 F Bony erosion 77 173.1 1.1 49
4 F Joint effusion 836 126.7 11.4 64
5 F Degeneration 39 69.3 2.6 69
6 F Soft tissue swelling 126 62.4 7.1 23
7 F Joint effusion 94 45.3 1.0 33
8 F Bony erosion 594 42.4 18.8 56
9 F Bony erosion 124 22.3 7.6 60
10 F Soft tissue swelling 273 15.7 0.6 28
11 F Bony erosion 209 14.8 1.0 25
12 F Joint effusion 140 13.5 1.7 13
13 F - 89 13.0 2.6 83
14 F Bony erosion 184 11.7 9.7 73
15 F Degeneration 188 11.6 1.1 44
16 F Bony erosion 170 11.2 8.1 72
17 M Bony erosion 794 10.5 0.3 18
18 M Degeneration 48 10.4 2.7 29

Cut-off values: RF, 20 IU/mL; Anti-CCP, 12.7 U/mL; CRP, 0.5 mg/dL; ESR, male 9 mm/hr; female, 20 mm/hr.

Abbreviations: RA, rheumatoid arthritis; F, female; M, male; -, no radiologic evaluation; RF, rheumatoid factor; CCP, cyclic citrullinated peptide.

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