Journal List > Korean J Lab Med > v.26(6) > 1011356

Yoo, Oh, and Shin: Comparison of Three Assay Systems for Qualitative and Quantitative Results of Hepatitis B Surface Antibody



With a technical improvement of the assay system, automated immunoassay analyzers for hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) are widely used. However, some discrepancies between assays are still being reported. We compared the qualitative and quantitative results of three kinds of anti-HBs assays.


Serum samples were collected from 517 patients and anti-HBs were determined using AxSYM AUSAB, Bayer ADVIA Centaur, and Roche Elecsys assay systems.


The concordance rates between the three assays were 95.1% (543/571). The concordance rates were 97.7% between Centaur and Elecsys, 96.3% between AxSYM and Centaur, and 95.6% between AxSYM and Elecsys. Their correlation coefficients for quantitative results were 0.97, 0.94, and 0.93 in the same order. Twenty-eight specimens showed discrepant results, and all of them had antibody values below 31.5 mIU/mL.


Three immunoassays for anti-HBs presented a high concordance and correlation; however, the results should be interpreted with caution, because there were still significant differences between assay methods, especially for a low-level of anti-HBs.


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Fig. 1.
Regression graphs for anti-HBs (mIU/mL) excluding the results above 1,000 mIU/mL. (A) Elecsys vs Centaur, (B) AxSYM vs Elecsys, (C) AxSYM vs Centaur.
Table 1.
Comparison of the results between the three anti-HBs assay kits (n=571)
No. of specimens (%)
Elecsys Centaur AxSYM
P P P 427 (74.8%)
P P N 10 (1.8%)
N P P 6 (1.1%)
P N P 1 (0.2%)
N N P 5 (0.9%)
P N N 4 (0.7%)
N P N 2 (0.4%)
N N N 116 (20.3%)

Abbreviations: P, positive; N, negative.

Table 2.
Specimens showing discrepant results between the three assay kit (mIU/mL)
Specimen Elecsys Centaur AxSYM
1 10.6 18.2 N (9.3)
2 12.9 14.0 N (6.4)
3 15.0 10.6 N (9.0)
4 17.6 31.5 N (9.2)
5 29.0 18.8 N (5.8)
6 17.1 10.7 N (4.9)
7 23.4 14.5 N (4.3)
8 28.9 15.2 N (5.9)
9 27.8 28.7 N (7.3)
10 22.4 19.4 N (3.0)
11 N (2.9) 19.1 14.4
12 N (9.8) 13.1 12.0
13 N (9.0) 16.1 12.7
14 N (5.3) 12.6 16.2
15 N (6.8) 17.6 28.5
16 N (6.6) 13.2 14.8
17 23.5 N (5.5) 17.9
18 N (5.5) N (4.6) 23.1
19 N (5.3) N (7.7) 20.0
20 N (6.7) N (6.6) 12.3
21 N (5.3) N (2.5) 11.1
22 N (5.4) N (7.3) 19.3
23 20.1 N (9.0) N (5.3)
24 18.6 N (7.3) N (6.9)
25 16.6 N (4.4) N (7.3)
26 16.4 N (9.9) N (8.0)
27 N (7.1) 10.3 N (4.4)
28 N (5.6) 10.5 N (2.0)

Abbreviations: P, positive; N, negative.

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