Journal List > Korean J Lab Med > v.26(4) > 1011332

Hwang, Oh, Chae, Seo, Jung, Choi, and Lee: Development of a Web-based Program to Calculate Sample Size for Evaluating the Performance of In Vitro Diagnostic Kits



Many studies evaluating the performance of in vitro diagnostic kits have been criticized for the lack of reliability. To attain reliability those evaluation studies should be preceded by sample size calculation ensuring statistical power. This study was intended to develop a web-based system to estimate the sample size, which was often neglected because it would require expert knowledge in statistics.


For sample size calculation, we extracted essential parameters from the performance studies on the 3rd generation anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) kits reported in the literature. We developed a system with PHP web-script language and MySQL. The statistical models used in this system were as follows; one sample without power consideration (model 1), one sample with power consideration (model 2), and two samples with power consideration (model 3).


Among the articles published between 1989 and 2005, 13 articles that evaluated the performance of anti-HCV kits were identified by searching with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). The diagnostic sensitivity was 83–100% with a median of 145 samples (range; 12–1,091) and the specificity was 97–100% with a median of 1,025 samples (range; 33–4,381). The estimated sample size would be 280 in the model 1, 817 in the model 2, and 1,510 in the model 3, when we set 2% prevalence of HCV infection, 95% sensitivity of a conventional kit, 97% sensitivity of a new kit, 95% significance level (two-sided test), 2% allowable error, and 80% power.


Our study indicates that an insufficient sample size is still a problem in performance evaluation. Our system should be helpful in increasing the reliability of performance evaluation by providing an appropriate sample size.


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Fig. 1.
The screenshot of the main input menu. The statistical parameters including sensitivity, specificity and allowable error limit were assigned. Significant level, power, and statistical models can be chosen via a select box or a check box, respectively.
Fig. 2.
Output screenshot of the program. (A) Sample size was estimated by giving prevalence of HCV=2%, sensitivity of the reference test=95%, sensitivity of a new test=97%, significant level (two-sided)=95%, allowable error=2%, and power=80%. (B) When the power and significant level were selected, the estimation of sample size for comparison of two in vitro diagnostic devices was tabulated by the statistical models.
Fig. 3.
Estimates from the studies of sensitivity and specificity of anti-HCV antibody tests. Points indicate estimates of sensitivity (A) and specificity (B). Horizontal lines are 95% confidence intervals for the estimates.
Table 1.
Performance evaluation studies of hepatitis C virus serological assays
Studies Reference Assay Spectrum of patients Reference standard
Stuyver [21] Ortho HCV 3.0 Blood donors with persistently increased ALT and histological chronic hepatitis or steatosis HCV RNA by RT-PCR
Lavanchy [22] Ortho HCV 3.0 Hemodialysed patients HCV RNA by RT-PCR
Courouce [23] Cobas Core anti-HCV EIA 2500 sera from patients and blood donors ELISA 2.0 and RIBA 3.0
Hennig (a) [24] AxSYM HCV version 3.0 4383 blood donors Abott Matrix HCV 2.0 and HCV RNA by RT-PCR
Hennig (b) [24] IMX HCV version 3.0    
Jonas (a) [25] ARCHITECT Anti-HCV 3811 blood donors, 1984 randomly selected clinical specimens RIBA
Jonas (b) [25] ARCHITECT Anti-HCV    
Abdel-Hamid [26] Abott HCV EIA 3.0 1134 serum samples collected in a community-based study RIBA and RT-PCR
Zachary (a) [27] Monolisa anti-HCV Plus version 2 2020 routine serum samples  
Zachary (b) [27] AxSYM HCV version 3.0 253 anti-HCV seropositive patients, RIBA and RT-PCR
Zachary (c) [27] Ortho Vitros ECi anti-HCV 394 anti-HCV negative blood donors  
Judd (a) [28] OraSure (Epitope, Beaverton, OR, USA)-Ortho HCV 3.0 SABe   RIBA and RT-PCR
Judd (b) [28] Salivette (Sarstedt, Leicester, UK)-Ortho HCV 3.0 SABe    
Ismail [29] Ortho Vitros ECi Anti-HCV 177 anti-HCV-seropositive samples (Abbott EIA) RIBA 3.0
Huber [30] Cobas Core anti-HCV EIA 1090 patients with acute liver disease or suspected chronic hepatitis HCV RNA by RT-PCR
Prince [31] ELISA 3.0, unspecified 301 blood donors with elevated ALT levels HCV RNA by RT-PCR
Vrielink (a) [32] Abbott HCV EIA 3.0 403 blood donor samples, 212 non-A, non-B hepatitis patients, 253 multi-transfused patients, 1055 first-time blood donors HCV RNA by RT-PCR and RIBA 2.0
Vrielink (b) [32] Murex anti-HCV    
Vrielink (c) [32] Ortho HCV 3.0    
Busch [33] ELISA 3.0, unspecified 1091 blood donors HCV RNA by PCR and RIBA 2.0
Table 2.
Comparison of confidence intervals and P value for the assessment of a case-control difference (confidence interval of control; −4, 4)
Category Confidence interval Assessment using confidence interval Assessment using P value
A (7,15) Superior to control Significant
B (1,9) Non-inferior to control Significant
C (−1,7) Non-inferior to control Non-significant
D (1,4) Equivalent to control Significant
E (−1,2) Equivalent to control Non-significant
F (−9,-1) Inferior to control Significant
G (−7,1) Inferior to control Non-significant
H (−15,-7) Inferior to control Significant
I (−7,9) Inconclusive Non-significant
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