Journal List > J Korean Surg Soc > v.77(2) > 1011059

Lee, Jung, and Park: The Timing of Recurrence Dependent on Menopausal Status after Surgery for Breast Cancer



This study was aimed at evaluating the timing of clinical recurrence after surgical removal of the primary tumor.


The hazard rate for recurrence during the first 5 years after surgery was studied in 1,225 female patients from 1995 to 2003 at Kyungpook National University Hospital. Subset analyses were performed according to menopausal status and axillary lymph node involvement.


The group of premenopausal women has one peak hazard rate in the 18~24 month period after surgery, while that of postmenopausal women has two peaks at 18~24 months and 42~48 months. The hazard rate of node positive group is much higher than node negative group at all periods. In the premenopausal group, patients with less than 3 node metastases have a peak hazard rate at about 18~24 months, while those with more than 4 lymph node metastases have that in 6~12 months. In the postmenopausal group, patients with less than 3 node metastases have the peak hazard rate at 18~24 months, while more than 4 lymph node metastases have two peaks at 18~24 months and 42~48 months.


Both premenopausal and postmenopausal groups similarly show the peaked hazard rate of recurrence at about 2 years after surgery. In premonopausal young women, the status of nodal metastasis affects early recurrence, while in postmenopausal women, more nodal metastasis related with late recurrence at about 45 months. Menopausal status according to axillary node involvement shows the different recurrence pattern.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
Hazard rate for breast cancer recurrence (local-regional plus distant) after mastectomy (MRM*/partial mastectomy+RTx) as primary treatment in 1,225 patients (5 years follow-up). *MRM = modified radical mastectomy; RTx = radiation therapy.
Fig. 2
Hazard rate for breast cancer recurrence (local-regional plus distant). (A) Pre-menopausal patients, (B) Post-menopausal patients.
Fig. 3
Hazard rate for breast cancer recurrence (local-regional plus distant). (A) Node-negative, (B) Node-positive.
Fig. 4
Hazard rate for breast cancer recurrence (local-regional plus distant) in pre-menopausal patients. (A) N0-N1, (B) N2-N3.
Fig. 5
Hazard rate for breast cancer recurrence (local-regional plus distant) in post-menopausal patients. (A) N0-N1, (B) N2-N3.
Table 1
Main patient characteristics


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