Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.59(3) > 1010869

Lee, Lee, Ahn, Pak, Park, Byon, and Lee: Change in Axial Length in Highly Myopic Adults Using Partial Coherence Interferometry



To investigate the change in axial length (AL) in highly myopic adults using partial coherence interferometry, and to identify the factors associated with the increase in AL.


Medical records of highly myopic adults (≥ −6 diopters [D] or AL ≥ 26.0 mm) were retrospectively reviewed. The AL of each patient was measured using partial coherence interferometry at least three times over 2 years, and the yearly change in AL was calculated. Associations between age, AL, choroidal thickness, and the rate of AL change were evaluated using multiple regression analysis.


In total, 24 patients (4 males, 20 females) and 44 eyes were included in this study. The mean age was 54.9 ± 10.4 years, the initial AL was 29.335 ± 2.006 mm, the choroidal thickness was 72.7 ± 41.80 pm, the average spherical equivalent was −11.86 ± 3.85 D (−5.1—22.0 D), and the mean follow-up period was 2.2 ± 0.5 years. A significant increase in AL of S0.05 mm was observed in 38 eyes (86.4%) at 2 years. The mean AL was significantly increased, to 29.409 ± 2.007 mm (p < 0.001), at 1 year and to 29.476 ± 2.028 mm (p < 0.001) at 2 years. The average rate of AL change was 0.071 ± 0.049 mm (−0.01~0.19 mm) per year. None of the included factors showed an association with the rate of AL change in multiple regression analysis.


In this study, an increase in AL in highly myopic adults was more frequent than in previous reports using A-scan. Periodic measurements are therefore recommended for the early detection of complications.


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Figure 1.
Changes of axial length measured with partial coherence interferometry in highly myopic eyes. (A) Axial length changes in the right eye. (B) Axial length changes in the left eye. Mean axial length was significantly increased in both eyes at the first and second year (p < 0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test). The error bars indicate the quartile ranges.
Figure 2.
Correlation of axial length changes between the first year and the second year. The amount of axial length change had a significant correlation between the first year and the second year (p < 0.001, r = 0.574).
Table 1.
Baseline characteristics
Parameters Results
Total number of patients (eyes) 24 (44)
Sex (male:female) 4:20
Age (years) 54.9 ± 10.3 (32–78)
Refractive error* (spherical equivalent, D) −11.86 ± 3.849 D (−5.1~−22.0 D)
Lens status (phakic:pseudophakic) 30:14
Choroidal thickness (μm) 72.7 ± 41.80 (11~ 179)
Observation period (years) 2.2 ± 0.5 (2.0~3.1)

Values are presented as mean ± SD (range) unless otherwise indicated.

* Phakic eyes.

Table 2.
Complications of the macula observed in highly myopic eyes for 2 years
Complications Results (eyes) (n, %)
Posterior staphyloma 22 (50.0)
Myopic traction maculopathy 5 (11.4)
Choroidal neovascularization 7 (15.9)

Values are presented as n (%).

Table 3.
Multiple regression analysis of correlation between axial length change for 2 years and various baseline parameters in highly myopic eyes
Baseline parameters Correlation coefficient p-value
Age −0.152 0.331
Axial length −0.244 0.114
Choroidal thickness −0.198 0.203
Corneal refractive power −0.121 0.440
Lens status −0.227 0.143
Presence of myopic tractional maculopathy 0.078 0.078
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