Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.58(7) > 1010810

Hannuy, Youngsub, Su-Yeon, Jong, and Hyo: Incidence of Complications in Cataract Surgery according to the Availability of Partial Coherence Laser Interferometry



To validate the possibility of IOLMaster measurement as a predictor of intraoperative and postoperative complications during phacoemulsification surgery.


In this study, 2,107 eyes from 1,456 patients who underwent phacoemulsification with intraocular lens (IOL) im-plantation were divided into two groups according to the possibility of performing optical biometry with the IOLMaster (measurable group: 1,746 eyes from 1,141 patients, unmeasurable group: 361 eyes from 315 patients). The intraoperative and postoperative complication rates were compared between the two groups.


Three hundred sixty-one eyes (17.1%) could not be measured using optical biometry. Dense posterior subcapsular cat-aract (56.0%) was the main factor resulting in failed measurements with optical biometry, followed by anterior subcapsular cata-ract (12.5%). The rates of posterior capsule rupture and radial tear were significantly higher in the unmeasurable group than in the measurable group (p = 0.001, p < 0.001, respectively). Corneal edema was significantly higher in the unmeasurable group (16.1%) than in the measurable group (5.3%) at postoperative 1 week (p < 0.001).


Possibility of optical biometry measurement can be used as a simple predictor of intraoperative and postoperative complications of phacoemulsification surgery. Surgeons should pay close attention to patients who cannot be measured using IOLMaster.


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Table 1.
Causes of IOL Master measurement failure (N = 361)
Causes N (%)
Posterior subcapsular cataract 202 (56.0)
Anterior subcapsular cataract 45 (12.5)
Anterior with posterior subcapsular cataract 23 (6.4)
Posterior polar cataract 21 (5.8)
White cataract 20 (5.5)
Unexplained cases 14 (3.9)
Brunescent cataract 13 (3.6)
Low visual acuity resulted in failed fixation 7 (1.9)
Morgagnian cataract 6 (1.7)
Cortical cataract 5 (1.4)
Corneal opacity 3 (0.8)
Ocular dyskinesia 1 (0.3)
Anterior polar cataract 1 (0.3)

Values are presented as n (%). N = number of eyes.

Table 2.
Preoperative clinical characteristics of the participants and their eyes in each group
Measurable group (n = 1,746) Unmeasurable group (n = 361) p-value*
Age (years) (SD) 67.4 (10.1) 66.9 (12.9) 0.477
Sex (n, %)
Male 687 (39.3) 195 (54.0) <0.001
Female 1,059 (60.7) 166 (46.0)
Laterality (n, %)
Right eye 862 (49.4) 175 (48.5) 0.812
Left eye 883 (50.6) 186 (51.5)
Endothelial cell density (cells/mm2) (SD) 2,868 (422) 2,919 (433) 0.040
Cataract grade
Nuclear opalescence (SD) 2.4 (0.8) 2.7 (1.4) <0.001
Brunescent (n, %) 3 (0.2) 13 (3.6) <0.001
Posterior polar (n, %) 5 (0.3) 21 (5.8) <0.001
White (n, %) 3 (0.2) 20 (5.5) <0.001
Morgagnian (n, %) 0 (0.0) 6 (1.7) <0.001

SD = standard deviation.

* Fisher’s exact test.

Independent t-test.

Frequency count.

Table 3.
Intraoperative and postoperative complication rate in the two groups
Measurable group (n = 1,746) Unmeasurable group (n = 361) p-value*
Intraoperative complication (n, %)
Posterior capsule rupture 7 (0.4) 8 (2.2) 0.001
Radial tear 4 (0.2) 9 (2.5) <0.001
Hyphema 1 (0.1) 0 (0.0) >0.999
Corneal burn 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) -
Tear of descemet’s membrane 2 (0.1) 0 (0.0) >0.999
Postoperative complication (n, %)
Corneal edema 93 (5.3) 58 (16.1) <0.001
Increased IOP 49 (2.8) 16 (4.4) 0.130
Hyphema 1 (0.1) 1 (0.3) 0.313

Values are presented as n (%) unless otherwise indicated. IOP = intraocular pressure.

* Fisher’s exact test.

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