To report a case of Terrien’s marginal degeneration treated with C-type anterior lamellar keratoplasty using cry-opreserved leftover cornea.
Case summary
A 63-year-old female visited our clinic because of left ocular discomfort and visual deterioration over several years. The patient had +2.25 Dsph = -5.00 Dcyl × 111° of astigmatism, and best corrected visual acuity was 20/20. Microscopic slit lamp examinations revealed an approximately 10.0 mm width semilunar shaped stromal opacity with surrounding stromal lip-id deposit, as well as superficial neovascularization with thinning at superior perilimbal cornea. Anterior segment optical coher-ence tomography confirmed extreme thinning at the opacified cornea. The patient was diagnosed with Terrien’s marginal degeneration. To prevent corneal perforation, C-type anterior lamellar keratoplasty using cryopreserved leftover cornea was performed. After 18 months after operation, donor graft was successfully attached via the anterior segment optical coherence to-mography and microscopic slit lamp examination and graft rejection was not observed.
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