To investigate the ability to determine the postoperative status of macular hole (MH) in gas-filled eyes using swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT).
Ten eyes of 10 patients who underwent vitrectomy, internal limiting membrane peeling and gas tamponade for idio-pathic MH were included in this study. The macular area was examined using SS-OCT on postoperative days 1, 2 and 30.
MH status was assessed in 6 eyes (60%) on postoperative day 1 and MH closure was confirmed in 5 of the 6 eyes (83%). MH remained closed in all 5 eyes at 1 month after surgery. Only gas-retinal interface was obtained in 4 eyes (40%) and unclosed MH was found in 1 of the 4 eyes (25%) at 1 month after surgery.
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Figure 1.
Successful SS-OCT images obtained from patient 4. (A) Preoperative SS-OCT image showed a stage 3 macular hole. (B) SS-OCT image showed the closed macular hole with visible retinal layers including inner segment/outer segment line through complete intraocular gas endotamponade on post-operative day 1. (C) postoperative day 30. SS-OCT = swept source optical coherence tomography.

Figure 2.
Unsuccessful SS-OCT images obtained from patient 8. (A) Preoperative SS-OCT image showed a stage 4 macular hole. (B) Only the hyperreflective line from gas-retinal surface interface was visible in SS-OCT image through complete in-traocular gas endotamponade on postoperative day 1. (C) Macular hole was closed one month after surgery. Complete absorption of intraocular gas was observed. SS-OCT = swept source optical coherence tomography.

Table 1.
Basic characteristics of the patients