Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.56(1) > 1010055

Chang and Kim: Long-Term Results of Three Cases of Radial Keratotomy



To report the long-term results concerning refractive changes after radial keratotomy in 6 eyes of 3 patients.

Case summary

We observed 3 patients who underwent radial keratotomy over 25 years previously. The positive effect of this surgery on the correction of refractive error decreased with increasing post-surgery time and myopic refractive errors accom-panying astigmatism recurred. On average, refractive errors improved to 3.375 diopter (D) and corneal power improved to 2.954 D; in all cases, uncorrected visual acuities were not significantly improved.


The effect of radial keratotomy on the correction of refractive errors decreased with time due to regression; myopic refractive errors recurred in the long-term.


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Table 1.
Patient demographics, incision depth and results of uncorrected visual acuity
Case (age/sex) Eye Duration (years) Depth (μ m)
Pre-operative visual acuity Post-operative visual acuity
Center Re-deepening
1 49/M OD 29 525 570 0.06 0.1
  OS 29 530 580 0.04 0.1
2 49/F OD 28 520 550 0.1 0.3
  OS 28 500 530 0.1 0.4
3 48/F OD 25 530 580 0.2 0.1
  OS 25 520 550 0.15 0.1

Uncorrected visual acuity at last follow-up.

Table 2.
Changes of corneal power and refractive error after radial keratotomy
Case (eye) Pre-operative K
Post-operative K
Pre-operative refractive error Post-operative refractive error
1 OD 43.0 43.6 38.5 39.5 -9.0 D sph = -1.0 D cyl × 180 o -3.50 D sph = -0.5 D cyl × 40 o
OS 43.0 43.8 39.0 39.0 -8.0 D sph = -1.5 D cyl × 180 o -3.75 D sph = -1.5 D cyl × 130 o
2 OD 43.0 43.8 41.95 42.0 -4.0 D sph = -2.5 D cyl × 180 o +0.25 D sph = -2.5 D cyl × 84 o
OS 43.2 44.2 41.7 40.9 -5.0 D sph = -1.0 D cyl × 180 o +0.50 D sph = -1.25 D cyl × 53 o
3 OD 43.0 43.4 40.3 41.4 -4.0 D sph -2.75 D sph = -1.5 D cyl × 54 o
OS 44.0 44.1 41.3 41.9 -7.50 D sph = -0.5 D cyl × 180 o -6.0 D sph = -0.75 D cyl × 137 o

K = keratometry; H = horizontal; V = vertical.

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