Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.56(1) > 1010017

Min and Ha: Calculated CT Volumes of Lacrimal Glands in Normal Korean Orbits



We used computed tomography (CT) scans to describe normal Korean lacrimal gland volume and lacrimal gland size and then examined their correlations with patient age.


CT scans were obtained in 213 orbits of 111 patients who underwent CT from January to August of 2013. Aquarius iNtuition (TeraRecon, Foster City, CA, USA) software was used to outline the lacrimal gland in consecutive axial slices and to calculate the volume.


The mean volume of the lacrimal gland was 0.589 cm3 in right orbits (SD = 0.090), 0.583 cm3 in left orbits (SD = 0.289), 0.596 cm3 in males (SD = 0.083), and 0.575 cm3 in females (SD = 0.094). There was no significant difference in mean lacrimal gland volume according to laterality (p = 0.614) or sex (p = 0.102) (2-sample t-tests). We investigated mean lacrimal gland volume in 3 age groups. Mean lacrimal gland volume was 0.630 cm3 (SD = 0.080) for the 20 to 40 year old group, 0.553 cm3 (SD = 0.734) for the 41 to 60 year old group, and 0.544 cm3 (SD = 0.885) for the older than 60 years old group. There was an inverse relationship between gland volume and age (Pearson r = −0.384, p = 0.00).


The mean volume of the lacrimal gland decreased with age and there was no significant difference between right and left orbits or between male and female patients.


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Figure 1.
Axial CT scan with the outlined entire lacrimal gland using Aquaris intuition software was presented. The palpebral and orbital portion of lacrimal gland were outlined using free hand technique in all consecutive axial slices. A = anterior aspect; P = posterior aspect; R = right; L = left.
Figure 2.
Scatter plot and correlation between age (years) and average lacrimal gland volume (cm3) in normal Korean. There was an inverse relationship between gland volume and age in normal Korean. Pearson r = -0.384 (p = 0.00).
Figure 3.
Scatter plot and correlation between age (years) and average lacrimal gland volume (cm3) in normal Korean male. There was an inverse relationship between gland volume and age in normal Korean male. Pearson r = -0.348 (p = 0.00).
Figure 4.
Scatter plot and correlation between age (years) and average lacrimal gland volume (cm3) in normal Korean female. There was an inverse relationship between gland volume and age in normal Korean female. Pearson r = -0.422 (p = 0.00).
Table 1.
Demographics of patients
Age (years) Male Female Total
21-30 14 10 29
31-40 9 11 17
41-50 10 11 21
51-60 11 9 20
61-70 9 8 17
>70 4 5 7
Total 57 54 111
Table 2.
Distribution of normal lacrimal gland volume (cm3)
  Mean SD Percentiles
  5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95%
Right lacrimal gland 0.589 0.090 0.432 0.470 0.521 0.581 0.660 0.712 0.746
Left lacrimal gland 0.583 0.089 0.416 0.464 0.527 0.577 0.640 0.640 0.740

SD = standard deviation.

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