Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.55(1) > 1009752

Lee and Chi: A Case of Eruptive Hair Cyst Developed on the Eyelid



Eruptive vellus hair cysts (EVHC) are benign lesions that affect the pediatric population and are rarely seen con-genitally or in young adults. EVHCs are small, cystic papules that usually occur on the chest and proximal extremities. EVHCs of the eyelids have been reported infrequently. We experienced a case of solitary EVHC that developed on the eyelid in a middle-aged male. Herein, we present our case with a brief review of the literature.

Case summary

A 44-year-old male presented with a history of an asymptomatic, palpable mass in the right upper eyelid that had been slowly growing for 2 years. Physical examination revealed non-tender, firm and round mass in right upper eyelid. Computed tomography scan of the orbit showed a 7.0 × 9.0 × 9.5 mm-sized focal bulging contour in the right upper eyelid. The patient underwent sub-brow incision and excisional biopsy of the eyelid mass. Histopathological examination revealed a 7.0 × 6.0 × 4.0 mm-sized cystic structure lined by squamous epithelium containing laminated keratinous materials and multiple vellus hair shafts. There was no local recurrence during the postoperative follow-up.


We experienced a rare case of EVHC that developed on the eyelid. Based on our experience, EVHC should be considered when determining an eyelid mass, especially around hair follicles.


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Figure 1.
External appearance of the patient. He presented solitary red-colored mass on his right upper eyelid (arrow).
Figure 2.
Computed tomography scan showed a hypo-dense, non-enhancing, focal round mass measuring 7.0 × 9.0 ×9.5 mm on the right upper eyelid (arrow).
Figure 3.
Gross finding of the specimen. A 5.0 × 7.0 mm sized, round-shaped, well-demarcated, yellowish mass was seen at the right upper eyelid (arrow).
Figure 4.
Pathohistologic findings of the specimen. A cyst lined by squamous epithelium contained multiple cutting vellus hair shafts (black arrow) and laminated keratinous materials (white arrow) (Hematoxylin and eosin stain, A: ×10, B: ×40, C: ×200, D: ×400).
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