Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.54(7) > 1009424

Sung and Joo: Long-Term Outcome of Surgery for Intermittent Exotropia



To evaluate long-term outcomes of surgery for intermittent exotropia.


The authors evaluated 78 patients who underwent surgery for intermittent exotropia and were available for a fol-low-up over a 5-year period. According to distant exodeviation and fusion control at the last visit, the patients were classi-fied into either the stable group (distant exodeviation ≤10 PD) or the recurrent group (distant exodeviation >10 PD). The re-current group was reclassified into the clinical success group (distant exodeviation >10 PD, <20 PD with good fusion con-trol) or the clinical failure group (distant exodeviation ≥20 PD or distant exodeviation >10 PD, <20 PD with poor fusion con-trol). We analyzed recurrence rate, success rate, and clinical outcome.


Recurrence rate was 65.3% (n = 51), and the surgical success rate calculated as the rate of stable group and clin-ical success group was 73% (n = 57). The postoperative angle of exodeviation was more decreased than the preoperative angle in 93.6% of patients. When comparing postoperative with preoperative sensory function, only 2.6% of patients dem-onstrated worse distant fusion control grades, 66.7% of patients remained the same, 30.8% improved, and 5.1% of pa-tients demonstrated poorer near stereopsis. The rest of patients had better or equal fusion control and stereoacuity. Age at surgery in the recurrent group was less than in the stable group ( p = 0.004) and the recurrent group had worse pre-operative distant fusion control ( p = 0.021). Exodeviation angle of the recurrent group at postoperative 1 month, 3 months and 6 months was greater than that of the stable group ( p < 0.005).


Despite a high recurrence rate, surgery for intermittent exotropia showed a high clinical success rate and good long-term efficacy and safety in both deviation angle and sensory function.


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Figure 1.
Differences of exodeviation at postoperative 1, 3, 6 months. PD = prism diopter. * p = 0.008; p = 0.000; p = 0.000; Analyzed with Independent t-test.
Figure 2.
Changes in postoperative deviation angle at distance in 3 postoperative groups. PD = prism diopter.
Figure 3.
Changes in angle deviation, fusion control, stereopsis between preoperative value and postoperative value at final visit.
Table 1.
Demographic data of total patients (n = 78)
Demographics Results
Age at surgery (years) 8.12 ± 4.73
Sex (M:F) 36 : 42
Duration of follow up (years) 6.28 ± 1.43
Preoperative distant exodevation (PD) 25.64 ± 6.25
Type of surgery for IXT (number of patients) LROU Rec. (60)
R&R (7)
ULR Rec. (10)
MROU Res. (1)

Values are presented as mean ± SD. PD = prism diopter; IXT = intermittent exotropia; LROU Rec. = bilateral lateral rectus recession; R&R = lateral rectus recession & medial rectus resection; ULR Rec. = unilateral lateral rectus recession; MROU Res. = bilateral medial rectus resection.

Table 2.
Classifications for postoperative long term outcome
Group Criteria No. of patients (%)
Stable group Distant exodeviation ≤10 PD 27 (34.6)
Recurrent group Distant exodeviation >10 PD 51 (65.3)
Clinical success group Distant exodeviation >10 PD, <20 PD with good fusion control 30 (38.4)
Failure group Distant exodeviation ≥20 PD or 21 (26.9)
Distant exodeviation >10 PD, <20 PD with poor fusion control

PD = prism diopter.

Table 3.
Comparisons of preoperative clinical factors among 3 postoperative groups
Stable group Clinical success group Failure group p-value
Age in years at surgery (range) 10.66 ± 6.22 (3-19 years) 7.66 ± 1.72 (4-11 years) 5.55 ± 2.90 (2-14 years) 0.000*
Distant fusion control (good : bad) 17 : 10 15 : 15 5 : 13 0.021
Titmus stereopsis (seconds of arc) 146.0 ± 163.39 140.5 ± 175.51 105.0 ± 343.56 0.508*

Values are presented as mean ± SD.

* Analyzed with ANOVA test

Analyzed with Chi-square test

3 patients in failure group were excluded because their fusion control grades were not recorded.

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