To investigate the clinical manifestations, management, and ophthalmologic complications of orbital roof fractures and zygoma fractures.
A retrospective survey of 119 patients who visited Korea University Medical Center from June 2009 to June 2010 was performed. The sex, age, causes, fracture characteristics, neurologic injury, ocular injury, and combined facial bone fractures of patients who were diagnosed with orbital roof fracture and zygoma fracture were statistically analyzed.
The mean age of patients with orbital roof fracture was 33.0 years old. The most common cause of orbital roof fracture was traffic accident (36.1%) with 6 patients receiveing surgical treatement (9.8%). Among the ophthalmologic diagnoses of the patients with orbital roof fracture, traumatic iridocyclitis was the most common (7 eyes) followed by eyeball rupture (2 eyes). The mean age of patients with zygoma fracture was 36.6 years old. The most common cause of zygoma fracture was traffic accident (32.8%), with 51 patients receiving surgical treatement (87.9%). Among the ophthalmologic diagnoses of the patients with zygoma fracture, traumatic iridocyclitis was the most common (6 eyes), followed by commotio retina (4 eyes).
Figures and Tables
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