To investigate the biologic effect of mitomycin C, dexamethasone and cyclosporine A 0.05% on cultured human keratocytes in vitro.
Human corneal keratocytes were exposed to a concentration of mitomycin C (0.05%), dexamethasone (0.05%) and cyclosporine A (0.05%) for a period of 3, 5, and 10 minutes. MTT-based colorimetric assay was performed to assess the metabolic activity of cellular proliferation and the concentration of type I procollagen COOH-terminal peptide (PIP) and laminin were measured. Cell damage was determined by using the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay. Apoptotic response was evaluated utilizing flow cytometric analysis with Annexin V and propiodium iodide.
The inhibitory effect of cellular proliferation and cytotoxicity in cultured human keratocytes showed a time-dependent response in all drugs. The production of PIP and laminin showed a time-dependent response in cultured cells. Apoptosis was observed in flow cytometry after being treated with mitomycin C, dexamethasone and cyclosporine A. Cyclosporin A resulted in less apoptosis of keratocytes than mitomycin C and dexamethasone.
The apoptotic response of mitomycin C, dexamethasone and cyclosporine A is associated with the inhibitory effect of human corneal keratocyte proliferation. To decrease corneal opacity, mitomycin C and dexamethasone were more effective than cyclosporine A in the present study. Additionally, a high concentration of cyclosporine A greater than 0.05% is necessary to lower corneal opacity.
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Figure 1.
The absorption rate of the water-insolubale formazan dye in cultured human keratocytes exposed in the four eye drops by a scanning spectrometer (ELISA reader). The longer the exposure duration, the more decreased the metabolic activity of keratocytes in all drugs. After 10 minutes of exposure, the metabolic activity of keratocytes in all drugs was decreased more significantly than control (p = 0.03). Mytomicin-C (MMC) showed most prominent inhibitory effect for cellular metabolic activity, and cyclosporine showed minimal inhibitory effect, but the values were not statistically significant.

Figure 2.
PIP titers of cultured human keratocytes in three eye drops. The concentration of PIP was decreased, the longer the exposure duration in all drugs. Mytomicin-C (MMC) and dexamethasone showed more prominent inhibitory effect for PIP level than cyclosporine, but the values were not statistically significant. PIP = procollagen type I COOH-terminal peptide.

Figure 3.
Laminin titers of cultured human keratocytes exposed in three eye drops, Mytomicin-C (MMC), dexamethasone and cyclosporine. The concentration of laminin was decreased, the longer the exposure time in all drugs. MMC and dexamethasone showed more prominent inhibitory effect for PIP level than cyclosporine, but the values were not statistically significant. PIP = procollagen type I COOH-terminal peptide.

Figure 4.
LDH activity of cultured human keratocytes exposed in three eye drops, mitomycin-C (0.05%), dexamethasone (0.05%) and cyclosporine A (0.05%). The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) titers of cultured human keratocytes showed a kind of time dependent response. The LDH titers of MMC and dexamethasone were higher values than that of cyclosporine at 10 minutues, but the values were not statistically significant. MMC = mitomycin-C.

Figure 5.
Flow cytometric analysis of apoptotic cells using Annexin V FITC after being treated treating with MMC (A), dexamethasone (B) and cyclosporine A (C). In all cases, apoptosis showed a time-dependent response. Cyclosporine A results in less apoptosis of keartocyte than dexamethasone and MMC. MMC = mitomycin-C; FITC = fluorescein isothiocyanate.