Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.52(9) > 1008873

Yoo, Lee, Lee, Lee, and Baek: A Statistical Observation of Ocular Injuries and Visual Predictive Value of Ocular Trauma Score



To investigate the clinical characteristics of ocular injuries for the prevention and predictability of visual prognosis and the treatment of ocular injuries using the ocular trauma score.


A retrospective survey was performed in 1341 eyes of 1257 patients, who visited Korea University Medical Center from May 2009 to December 2009. The sex, age, causes, diagnosis, primary ocular surgery, injury site, initial and final visual acuities and complications were statistically reviewed. The ocular trauma score was calculated by assigning certain numerical raw points to the following six variables: initial visual acuity, globe rupture, endophthalmitis, perforating injury, retinal detachment, and a relative afferent pupillary defect. The correlation of the ocular traumascore with the final visual acuity was investigated.


The incidence of ocular injuries was higher in males (79.0%) than in females and was more common in people in their 40s and 20s respectively. Among the patient the diagnoses, corneal erosion was most common in males, orbital wall fracture was most common in females, and corneal erosion, orbital wall fracture, orbital contusion, and hyphema were most common overall. An ocular trauma score was less than 44 in 6 eyes (0.7%), 9 eyes (1.0%) between a score of 45 and 65, 48 eyes (5.2%) between a score of 66 and 80, 122 eyes (13.2%) between a score of 81 and 90, and 737 eyes (79.9%) between a score of 91 and 100.


The present study determined that the ocular trauma score showed a good visual predictive value and could be used in prevention and treatment of ocular injuries.


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Figure 1.
Final visual acuity and Ocular trauma score in our study. OTS = ocular trauma score; NLP = no light perception; LP = light perception; HM = hand motion. The lower ocular trauma score was, the worse final visual acuity was.
Table 1.
Calculating the ocular trauma score (OTS): variables and raw points
Variables Raw points
Initial vision
  No light perception 60
  Light perception /Hand motion 70
  0.05–0.1 80
  0.1–0.4 90
  ≥ 0.5 100
Rupture −23
Endophthalmitis −17
Perforating injury −14
Retinal detachment −11
Relative afferent pupillary defect −10
Table 2.
Ocular trauma score
Sum of raw points Ocular trauma score
0–44 1
45–65 2
66–80 3
81–91 4
92–100 5
Table 3.
Characteristics of patients
Characteristic Results
Patients (eye) 1257 (1341)
Sex (M/F) 993/264
Laterality (OD/OS/OU) 586/587/84
Age (mean ± SD, range, yr) 32.8 ± 16.5 (1–90)
Table 4.
Distribution of visual acuity: initial & final visual acuity
Visual acuity No. of eyes on first visit (%) No. of eyes on last visit (%)
No light perception 7 (0.5) 10 (0.7)
Light perception-Hand motion 25 (1.8) 5 (0.3)
0.05–0.1 11 (0.8) 6 (0.4)
0.1–0.4 147 (10.9) 108 (8.0)
≥ 0.5 1095 (81.6) 793 (59.1)
Not checked, GCM* 56 (4.1) 419 (31.2)
Total 1341 (100) 1341 (100)

* GCM = good, central, and maintained.

Table 5.
Types of ocular injuries
Type of ocular injury No. of case %
Corneal abrasion (SPK*, PEE) 335 17.60
Blowout fracture 310 16.29
Orbital contusion 220 11.56
Hyphema 173 9.09
Commotio retina 132 6.94
Corneal foreign body 113 5.94
Traumatic iridocyclitis 105 5.52
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 86 4.52
Conjuntival foreign body 43 2.26
Conjuntival laceration 42 2.21
Retinal hemorrhage 29 1.52
Corneal laceration 28 1.47
Retinal tear 24 1.26
Canalicular lacearation 15 0.79
Vitreous hemorrhage 13 0.68
Eyeball rupture 12 0.63
Lid laceration 11 0.58
Traumatic cataract 10 0.53
Retrobulbar hemorrhage 8 0.42
Intraocular foreign body 7 0.37
Scleral laceration 5 0.26
Lens malposition (drop, donesis, dislocation) 5 0.26
Retinal detachment 1 0.05
Retinal dialysis 0 0.00
etc 176 9.25
1903 100

* SPK = superficial punctuate keratitis

PEE = punctate epithelial erosion

Conjunctival abrasion, posterior vitreous detachment, nasal bone fracture, zygoma fracture, skull fracture, intra-cerebral hemorrhage.

Table 6.
Types of ocular injuries according to sex
Type of ocular injury Male Female
Corneal abrasion (SPK*, PEE) 264 (19.2%) 71 (13.4%)
Blowout fracture 233 (17.0%) 77 (14.5%)
Orbital contusion 173 (12.6%) 47 (8.9%)
Hyphema 112 (8.16%) 61 (11.5%)
Commotio retina 90 (6.56%) 42 (7.9%)
Corneal foreign body 89 (6.49%) 24 (4.5%)
Traumatic iridocyclitis 79 (5.76%) 26 (4.9%)
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 61 (4.45%) 25 (4.7%)
Conjuntival foreign body 39 (2.84%) 4 (0.8%)
Conjuntival laceration 27 (1.97%) 15 (2.8%)
Corneal laceration 22 (1.60%) 6 (1.1%)
Retinal hemorrhage 18 (1.31%) 11 (2.1%)
Lid laceration 10 (0.73%) 1 (0.2%)
Retinal tear 7 (0.51%) 17 (3.2%)
Eyeball rupture 6 (0.44%) 6 (1.1%)
Vitreous hemorrhage 5 (0.36%) 8 (1.5%)
Retrobulbar hemorrhage 5 (0.36%) 3 (0.6%)
Intraocular foreign body 5 (0.36%) 2 (0.4%)
Canalicular lacearation 4 (0.29%) 11 (2.1%)
Lens malposition (drop, donesis, dislocation) 4 (0.29%) 1 (0.2%)
Traumatic cataract 3 (0.22%) 7 (1.3%)
Scleral laceration 3 (0.22%) 2 (0.4%)
Retinal detachment 1 (0.07%) 0 (0.0%)
Retinal dialysis 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.0%)
etc 112 (8.16%) 64 (12.1%)
1372 (100%) 531 (100%)

* SPK = superficial punctuate keratitis

PEE = punctate epithelial erosion

conjunctival abrasion, posterior vitreous detachment, nasal bone fracture, zygoma fracture, skull fracture, intra-cerebral hemorrhage.

Table 7.
Types of ocular injuries in patients that initial visual acuity was NLP* or LP/HM
Type of ocular injury No. of case %
Hyphema 20 27.8
Eyeball rupture 9 12.5
Blowout fracture 7 9.7
Corneal laceration 6 9.3
Intraocular foreign body 4 5.6
Retinal hemorrhage 4 5.6
Lens malposition (drop, donesis, dislocation) 4 5.6
Commotio retina 3 4.2
Orbital contusion 2 2.8
Traumatic iridocyclitis 2 2.8
Retrobulbar hemorrhage 2 2.8
Scleral laceration 1 1.4
Retinal detachment 1 1.4
Vitreous hemorrhage 1 1.4
Lid laceration 1 1.4
etc§ 5 6.9
72 100

* NLP = no light perception

LP = light perception

HM = hand motion

§ nasal bone fracture, zygoma fracture, skull fracture.

Table 8.
Final visual acuity and ocular trauma score
Sum of raw points OTS* NLP LP/HM§ 0.05–0.1 0.1–0.4 ≥ 0.5 Total
0–44 1 5 (83.3%) 1 (16.7%) 0 0 0 6 (0.7%)
45–65 2 3 (33.3%) 2 (22.2%) 1 (11.1%) 3 (33.3%) 0 9 (1.0%)
66–80 3 2 (4.2%) 2 (4.2%) 5 (10.4%) 8 (16.7%) 31 (64.6%) 48 (5.2%)
81–90 4 0 0 0 58 (47.5%) 64 (52.5%) 122 (13.2%)
91–100 5 0 0 0 39 (5.3%) 698 (94.7%) 737 (79.9%)
Total 10 5 6 108 793 922

* OTS = ocular trauma score

NLP = no light perception

LP = light perception

§ HM = hand motion

numbers of eyes.

Table 9.
Final visual acuity and ocular trauma score-comparison with Kuhn's study
Sum of raw points OTS* NLP LP/HM§ 0.05–0.1 0.1–0.4 ≥ 0.5
A/A' (%/%) A/A' (%/%) A/A' (%/%) A/A' (%/%) A/A' (%/%)
0–44 1 74/83.3 15/16.7 7/0 3/0 1/0
p:0.121 p:0.7 p:0.007 p:0.081 p:0.316
45–65 2 27/33.3 26/22.2 18/11.1 15/33.3 15/0
p:0.355 p:0.508 p:0.160 p:0.003 p<0.001
66–80 3 2/4.2 11/4.2 15/10.4 31/16.7 41/64.6
p:0.407 p:0.06 p:0.285 p:0.02 p:0.001
81–90 4 1/0 2/0 3/0 22/47.5 73/57.5
p:0.316 p:0.155 p:0.081 p <0.001 p:0.02
91–100 5 0/0 1/0 1/0 5/5.3 94/94.7
p:0.316 p:0.316 p:1.0 p:0.756

A = Kuhn's study results; A' = Our study results.

* OTS = ocular trauma score

NLP = no light perception

LP = light perception

§ HM = hand motion

p-value was calculated by χ2 test.

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