To report a case of conjunctival lymphangioma with clinical manifestations of superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis after upper lid blepharoplasty.
Case summary
A 55-year-old woman who had upper lid blepharoplasty performed 1 year before complained of pain, injection, and blurred vision in her right eye, which lasted for 2 days. The slit lamp examination revealed a poorly demarcated hypertrophic lesion with central erosion on the superior bulbar conjunctiva and a diffuse corneal erosion and edema in the area of the superior limbus. Tenderness of the superior bulbar conjunctiva and corneal erosion were treated with artificial tears, antibiotic eye drops, and a therapeutic contact lens. Slight anterior chamber reaction was found and treated by steroid eye drops; however, there was no improvement. After eversion of the right upper eyelid with a Desmarres retractor, a hypertrophic lesion with central dimpling was found. However, no exposed sutures were observed. Resection and biopsy of the superior bulbar conjunctiva and a subtarsal triamcinolone injection were performed for diagnosis and treatment. A conjunctival biopsy specimen showed conjunctival lymphangioma.
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