Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.50(1) > 1008516

Min, Jin, Ji, and Boo: Short-term Efficacy of Intravitreal Bavacizumab for Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy



To evaluate the short-term effect of intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Methods: Intravitreal Avastin was injected into 13 eyes of 13 patients with PCV in this retrospective, interventional case study. The follow-up period lasted over 3 months after therapy. Changes in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), foveal height determined by optical coherence tomography, and abnormal vasculature in indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) were evaluated.


The mean LogMAR BCVA was 0.82 at baseline, 0.78 at 1 month after treatment, and 0.73 at 3 months after treatment. Visual acuity was stabilized or improved in 13 eyes (100%). The mean foveal height was 288 µm at baseline, 231 µm (p<0.05) at 1 month after treatment, and 196 µm at 3 months after treatment. The polypoidal lesions in ICGA decreased in 4 eyes (31%), although branching vasculature in ICGA was unchanged in 13 eyes (100%).


Intravitreal injection of Avastin may stabilize visual acuity and reduce macular edema due to decreased retinal pigment epithelial detachment and leaking. However, intravitreal injection had a minimal effect in occlusion of the symptomatic polypoidal lesions and no effect in occlusion of the branching vascular network.


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Figure 1.
Change in logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (LogMAR) best-corrected visual acuity (VA) with time (months). Improvements of three or more lines of VA were detected in 2 eyes (case 6 and 8).
Figure 2.
Change in mean fovea thickness with time (months). A significant decrease was found at 1 month (p<0.05).
Figure 3.
Case No. 3 (A) Baseline fundus photograph shows hard exudates, pigmentations around macula. (B) Baseline horizontal OCT image and (C) vertical OCT image shows protruding polyps and macular edema. (D)~(F) One month after the second injection, macular edema reduced, but subretinal hemorrhage occurred.
Figure 4.
Case No. 3 (A) Baseline ICGA shows polypoidal dilatation of choroidal vessels and branching vascular network. (B) ICGA of one month after the second injection, the actively stained polyps resolve completely (arrows) while branching vascular network remains.
Figure 5.
Case No. 6 (A) Baseline fundus photograph shows orange nodular lesion at temporal area from fovea. (B) Baseline horizontal OCT image and (C) vertical OCT image shows subretinal fluid. (D~F) One month after the third injection, subretinal fluid resolved.
Figure 6.
Case No. 6 (A) Baseline ICGA shows polypoidal dilatation of choroidal vessels and branching vascular network. (B) ICGA one month after the third injection, the polyps resolved incompletely (arrows).
Figure 7.
Case No. 12 (A) Baseline fundus photograph shows orange nodular lesion at nasal area from fovea. (B) Baseline horizontal OCT image and (C) vertical OCT image shows multiple PED and polyps. (F~H) One month after the second injection, PED reduced. (D) Baseline FA shows leaking at corresponding region of the fundus, and pooling at PED region. (I) FA of one month after the second injection shows reduced leaking. (E) Baseline ICGA shows polypoidal dilatation of choroidal vessels (arrows). (J) ICGA of one month after the second injection, the vascular findings did not change.
Figure 8.
Case No. 12 (A) Fundus photograph of seven month after the second injection. (B) Horizontal OCT image and (C) vertical OCT image shows increased PED. (D~ F) One month after the third injection, PED reduced.
Figure 9.
Case No. 12 (A) Baseline ICGA shows hidden area due to hemorrhage PED (broken arrows). (B) ICGA of one month after the second injection, the vascular findings did not change (arrows). (C) ICGA of one month after the third injection shows increased polypoidal lesion (arrowhead).
Figure 11.
Case No. 13 (A) Baseline ICGA shows polypoidal dilatation of choroidal vessels hidden area due to hemorrhage PED (arrows). (B) ICGA of one month after the second injection, the polyps remain, but activity decreased. (C) ICGA of six month after the second injection shows increased polypoidal lesion (arrowhead).
Figure 10.
Case No. 13 (A) Baseline fundus photograph shows orange nodular lesion around macula. (B) Baseline horizontal OCT image and (C) vertical OCT image shows PED, polyp and subretinal fluid (D~F) One month after the second injection, PED and subretinal fluid reduced. (G~ I) Six month after the second injection, subretinal fluid increased.
Table 1.
Patient characteristics and clinical date before and after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab for PCV
Case No. Age Sex Previous PDT Pre Tx BCVA Post Tx BCVA Pre Tx fovea thickness(µm) Post Tx fovea thickness(µm) Polyp closure Branching network closure F/U mo No of reinjection
1 81 F Yes 0.02 0.02 282 241 No No 6 2
2 72 F No 0.125 0.32 316 182 Yes No 6 3
3 70 M No 0.32 0.32 215 132 No - 5 2
4 59 M No 0.2 0.2 292 198 No No 3 0
5 58 M Yes 0.1 0.2 258 211 Yes No 8 3
6 74 M No 0.2 0.25 420 126 Yes No 4 2
7 64 F No 0.4 0.32 205 203 No No 4 1
8 64 M Yes 0.04 0.02 347 254 No No 8 1
9 70 F Yes 0.02 0.02 400 148 No No 8 3
10 83 F No 0.25 0.32 196 163 No No 4 2
11 59 M No 1.0 1.0 220 280 Yes No 4 2
12 68 M No 0.3 0.6 245 210 No No 8 2
13 73 F No 0.125 0.16 232 201 No - 8 1

PDT=photodynamic therapy;

BCVA=best corrected visual acuity; -undetermined.

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