Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.50(2) > 1008483

Kang and Shin: The Treatment of Epithelial Ingrowth After Phacoemlusification Through Clear Cornea Incision



To report a case of epithelial ingrowth treatment by surgical excision of epithelial tissues and intracameral 5-fluorouracil injection.

Case summary

A 70-year-old female patient who underwent phacoemulsification through clear cornea incision in both eyes 2 years before, was referred for her left ocular pain and corneal edema of 3 months’ duration. Diffuse sheet-like epithelium grew from the clear cornea incision site to the pupil margin lesion of the iris. The epithelial tissues were excised and 5-fluorouracil was injected intracamerally. There were no recurrences for 2 months.


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Figure 1.
Anterior segment photograph shows diffuse sheet-like epithelial membrane covers from clear cornea incision site to around the pupil margin. Red star is the old clear corneal incision site and vascularization of the incision site (blue arrow head) (A). Everted iris is shown (red arrow head) and diffuse corneal edema. All red arrows indicate the diffuse sheet-like membrane (B).
Figure 2.
Microscopic examination of the excised tissue shows that black pigmented lesion is a stroma of the iris (red star) is surrounded by stratified epithelium (red arrow head) contains conjunctival origin goblet cells (red arrows). (H&E staining ×40 A, ×100 B)
Figure 3.
Anterior segment photographs at one day after removal of the whole membrane in the anterior chamber. Clear corneal incisioned site was closed with nylon (A). Although there was a corneal edema and everted iris, all the sheet-like membranes were excised successfully (B).
Figure 4.
Anterior segment photograph at two months after the total excision of the ingrown epithelium and intracameral 5-FU injection (A). There are no recurrence of epithelial membrane from the clear corneal incision site to the pupil margin on the iris (B).
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