To evaluate clinical features and therapeutic modality of conjunctival nevi in Korean patients.
A retrospective analysis was performed on 197 patients (75 males and 122 females) with nevi who were diagnosed by slit lamp examination from 1997 to 2008.
Nevi occurred most commonly on bulbar conjunctiva (88%), followed by caruncle and plica semilunaris (7%). The nevi involved temporal (71%), nasal (21%), inferior (2.8%) and superior (0.7%) quadrants of the conjunctiva. The mean horizontal length was 4.3±2.0 mm and the mean vertical 4.45±2.2 mm. Thirty-five patients (7.8%) received no treatment. Excisional biopsy was performed in 38 patients (19.3%). Argon laser photoablation of conjunctiva nevi was performed in 124 patients (62.9%).
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