Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.49(7) > 1008027

Lim Kim, Gee Lee, and Wook Yang: Anatomical Evaluation of Extraocular Muscles and Relationships Among Macula and Optic Nerve in Enucleated Eye



To make an anatomical evaluation of extraocular muscles, macular and optic nerve in enucleated eyes of live subjects and to compare the results with a previous autopsy study.


Twenty-four surgically enucleated eyes were studied. The distance from the limbus to the muscle insertion site, muscle width, and the distance between muscle insertion sites were measured and compared with an Apt study. After an incision through the eyeball, a 26-gauge needle was passed perpendicularly through the macula to the sclera. We measured the distances between the oblique muscles and the macula and optic nerves from an external site of the eyeball.


The distance from the limbus to the muscle insertion site showed a significant difference in the superior and inferior rectus muscle. All measurements of muscle widths were significantly narrower than those of autopsy studies. The distances between the muscles were significantly closer between the lateral and superior muscles and between the superior and medial rectus muscles. From the optic nerve to the muscle was 3.99±0.62 mm, to the superior oblique muscle was 7.89±0.88 mm, to the inferior oblique muscle was 5.95±0.83 mm, and the macula to the inferior oblique muscle was 1.35±0.42 mm.


Since most of the measurements were different from those of autopsy studies, we should consider the effects of preservation and fixation solution on autopsy eyes, race, and the differences among measurement instruments.


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Figure 1.
Measurements from an enucleated eyeball. (A) Anterior aspect of the globe showing muscle insertions and the limbus. Arrow indicates distance from the limbus to the anterior midpoint of the muscle insertion. (B) Posterior aspect of the globe showing the optic nerve head and the inferior oblique muscle insertion site. Arrow indicates the distance from the optic nerve to the posterior border of the inferior oblique muscle insertion site.
Figure 2.
Macula site (arrow) was externally indicated by passing through a 26-gauge needle from inside the macula to outside.
Figure 3.
Relationships among the optic nerve, superior oblique muscle (SO), inferior oblique muscle (IO), and macula (M). Right eye.
Table 1.
Axial length, age and sex of enucleated patients
Mean±SD Range
Axial length (mm) 23.09±0.92 22-25
Age (years) 51.96±13.60 25-70
Sex Male (n=14), F emale (n=10)

SD=standard deviation.

Table 2.
Distance from the limbus to muscle insertions
Muscle Anterior limbus to anterior muscle insertion (mm)
Present study Apt
Medial rectus 5.40±0.43 5.30±0.70 0.1883
Inferior rectus 6.23±0.42 6.80±0.80 0.0001*
Lateral rectus 7.02±0.60 6.90±0.70 0.2202
Superior rectus 7.56±0.70 7.90±0.60 0.0087*
Superior oblique 15.87±0.84
Inferior oblique 17.32±0.99

* Statistical significance by t-test, p<0.05;

Apt L. Anatomical reevaluation of rectus muscle insertion. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1980;78:365-75.

Table 3.
Width of muscle insertions
muscle Width (mm)
Present study Apt
Medial rectus 10.22±0.84 11.30±0.80 0.0001*
Inferior rectus 9.40±1.10 10.50±0.80 0.0001*
Lateral rectus 9.35±1.14 10.10±0.80 0.0001*
Superior rectus 10.37±1.41 11.50±0.80 0.0001*
Superior oblique 10.93±1.30 10.80
Inferior oblique 10.14±1.49 9.60

* Statistical significance by t-test, p<0.05;

Apt L. Anatomical reevaluation of rectus muscle insertion. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1980;78:365-75.

Table 4.
Distance between extraocular muscle insertions
Muscle to muscle Distance between muscles (mm)
Present study Apt
MR-IR 6.20±1.08 5.90±0.80 0.0636
IR-LR 7.81±1.23 8.00±0.08 0.1766
LR-SR 6.65±1.10 7.10±0.08 0.0119*
SR-MR 6.97±1.71 7.50±0.08 0.0130*
SO-SR 10.93±1.09
IO-LR 11.99±1.10

MR=medial rectus muscle; IR=inferior rectus muscle; LR= lateral rectus muscle; SR=superior rectus muscle; SO= superior oblique muscle; IO=inferior oblique muscle.

* Statistical significance by t-test,

pApt L. <0.05; Anatomical reevaluation of rectus muscle insertion. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1980;78:365-75.

Table 5.
Distance among fovea, oblique muscles, the optic nerve
Distance between structures Distance (mm)
Optic nerve-fovea 3.99±0.62
Fovea-IO posterior border 1.35±0.42
Optic nerve-IO posterior border 5.95±0.83
Optic nerve-SO posterior border 7.89±0.88

IO=inferior oblique muscle; SO=superior oblique muscle.

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