Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.48(12) > 1007981

Kim, Kim, Song, and Kim: Factors Associated with the Successful Separation of Corneal Epithelium in Epi-LASIK



To determine the incidence and perioperative factors of flap-related complications from Epi-LASIK.


In this study, 122 eyes of 66 patients who had Epi-LASIK using Centurion SESTM epikeratome (Norwood Eye Care, Australia) were enrolled. Associations of pre-operative corneal curvature, white-to-white distance, central corneal thickness, refractive error, dry eye, punctate corneal erosion, pannus, and history of wearing contact lenses with flap-related complications were investigated. To decrease flap-related complications, surgeons pressed patients’ eyelids with a speculum during epithelial separation, and the effect of this method was verified.


Complete epithelial separation was achieved in 74 eyes (60.6%), incomplete separation in 29 eyes (23.8%), and free epithelial sheet in 19 eyes (15.6%). Thin corneas (P=.041), a history of wearing contact lenses (P=.008), and the duration of contact lens use (P=.003) significantly decreased the incidence of successful epithelial separation. Pressing down the eyelids with a speculum while separating the epithelial sheet increased the incidence of complete separation from 50.6% to 83.8% (P=.003).


The risk of flap-related complications from Epi-LASIK may be higher in people who use contact lenses and in people who have thin corneas. The risk can be reduced by pressing the eyelids with a speculum during epithelial separation.


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Figure 1.
(A) Diagram of corneal surface to describe punctate erosion. The whole cornea was divided into 5 parts: superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, and central (4 mm in diameter in the center). (B) Diagram of the corneal surface to describe pannus.
The whole cornea was divided into 4 parts: superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal.
Figure 2.
(A) Normal orbital structure with speculum (arrow). (B) Changes after pressing down the eyelids. Increased mtraorbital pressure makes the eyeball to protrude and corneal curvature steeper.
Figure 3.
Hypothesis for incomplete separation. (A) In the early stage, the curvature of the cornea is so steep that it is enough to make counter-force against the separator. (B) In the middle stage, counter-force keeps up. (C) In the late stage, the curvature of the cornea flattens gradually and the decreased counter-force may cause incomplete separation.
Table 1.
Preoperative patients parameter and flap-related complications
Parameters Mean (±SD) P
Complete flap Incomplete flap Free flap
No. of cases (%) 74 (60.6%) 29 (23.8%) 19 (15.6%)
Amount of ablation -4.32±1.8D -4.31± 1.5 D -4.17±1.3D .934
Corneal thickness 547±27 μm, 536±26 μm; 534±31 μm; .041*
White-to-white distance 11.5±0.3 mm 11.5±0.4 mm 11.7±0.3 mm .095
Corneal curvature (5 mm) 42.8± 1.4 43.2±1.5 42.2±1.9D .079

* Statistically significant. One-way ANOVA

†,‡ The same symbols indicate significant difference between groups based on Tukey's multiple comparison test.

Table 2.
Dry eye and flap-related complications
Tearfilm break-up time (second) Incidence (%) Total
Complete flap Incomplete flap Free flap
< 5 5 (62.5) 1 (12.5) 2 (25) 8
5- 9 8 (61.5) 3 (23.1) 2 (15.4) 13
10 ≤ 61 (60.4) 25 (24.8) 15 (14.8) 101

Chi-square, P=.914

Table 3.
Punctate erosion and flap-related complications
Punctate erosion* Incidence (%) Total
Complete flap Incomplete flap Free flap
0 57 (58.2) 23 (23.5) 18 (18.3) 98
1 7 (58.4) 4 (33.3) 1 (8.3) 12
2 5 (71.4) 2 (28.6) 0 (0) 7
2 < 3 (60) 1 (20) 1 (20) 5

Chi-square, P=.857

* Sum of each scale of five corneal regions (superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, and central) graded using a 0-4 scale.

Table 4.
Pannus and flap-related complications
Pannus* Incidence (%) Total
Complete flap Incomplete flap Free flap
0 71 (60.2) 28 (23.7) 19 (16.1) 118
1 2 (66.7) 1 (33.3) 0 (0) 3
1 < 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1

Chi-square, P=.866

* Numbers of quadrant of corneal involvement.

Table 5.
Contact lens wear and flap-related complications
Incidence (%) Total P
Complete flap Incomplete flap Free flap
Contact lens use
Non user 41 (75.9) 7 (13) 6 (11.1) 54 .008*
user 33 (48.5) 22 (32.4) 13 (19.1) 68
Type of contact lens
Soft contact lens 24 (47.1) 18 (35.3) 9 (17.6) 51 .648
Hard contact lens 9 (53) 4 (23.5) 4 (23.5) 17


* Statistically significant.

Table 6.
Pattern of contact lens wear and flap-related complications
Pattern Mean±SD P
Complete flap Incomplete flap Free flap
Frequency of CL wear (day/week) 4.06±2.03 6.10±1.09 5.38±1.69 .133
Period of CL wear (year) 6.72±4.21 9.53±4.07 5.43±4.04 .003*

* Statistically significant. One-way ANOVA

The same symbols indicate significant difference between groups based on Tukey's multiple comparison test.

Table 7.
Eyeball protrusion method and flap-related complications
Method Incidence (%) Total
Complete Incomplete Free flap flap flap
Conventional method 43 (50.6%) 25 (29.4%) 17 (20.0%) 85
Eyeball protrusion method 31 (83.8%) 4 (10.8%) 2 (5.4%) 37

Chi-square, P= .003

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